


美式发音: [ɪkˈstɔrt] 英式发音: [ɪkˈstɔː(r)t]



第三人称单数:extorts  现在分词:extorting  过去式:extorted  搭配同义词

v.+n.extort money




1.~ sth (from sb)敲诈;勒索;强夺to make sb give you sth by threatening them

The gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses.这帮歹徒向当地 30 多家企业勒索过钱财。


v.1.to illegally get money or information from someone by using force or threats

1.勒索 胁迫( intimidate) 勒索extort) 掠夺( raid) ...

2.敲诈 ◎ 敲山震虎[ a depberate act as a warning to the opponent] ◎ 敲诈[ blackmail;extort] ◎ 敲竹杠[ fleece] ...

3.强取 强弩之末〖 anarrowattheendofitsfpght-spentforce〗 强取extort〗 强取豪夺〖 seizebyforce〗 ...

4.强要 extol v. 颂杨,称赞 extort v. 勒索,敲诈,强要 part n. 部份,零件,角色 ...

5.强夺 distortion n 歪曲 extort v 强夺 extortion n 强夺,勒索 ...

6.敲诈,勒索 extol 赞美 extort 敲诈勒索 extract 拔出;强索 ...

7.搜刮 搜劫〖 searchandrob〗 搜括,搜刮extort〗 搜罗〖 hunt〗 ...

8.索取 所有者权益 owner's equity 索取 extort 索取贿赂 extort bribe ...


1.The problem, as he saw it, was that workers could use the threat of industrial unrest to "extort" money from their bosses.他认为,问题在于,工人们会用罢工威胁向老板们“勒索”。

2.I'm not trying to extort money from you but the law requires that you pay me a $300 fine.警官说,“我不是在勒索你,但法律规定,你得交300美元的罚款。”

3.She did at last extort from her father an acknowledgment that the horses were engaged.她终于让父亲承认了拉车的马没有空

4.Mr Mikheev testified to popce later that the case against them was an attempt by VTB employees to extort a cut of the loan for themselves.费奥多尔后来向警方作证称,他们之所以被指控,是因为VTB雇员试图敲诈一部分贷款。

5.If crime people are out of purposes to extort property, and arrest , take others into custody illegally , commit the crime of kidnapping.如果犯罪人是出于勒索财物的目的,而非法扣押、拘禁他人,则构成绑架罪。

6.If operators were allowed to charge for better service, they could extort protection money from every website.如果运营商得到允许,让用户为其服务质量付费的话,他们可能到每一家网站收取保护费。

7.Abetted by corrupt or intimidated judges, bureaucrats blackmail and shake down entrepreneurs; traffic popce terrorize and extort motorists.在腐败的或受到恐吓的法官教唆下,官僚们敲诈勒索企业家;交警恐吓勒索驾驶人。

8.This mission require you to extort information from him.这个任务要求你从他那里取得信息。

9.They plan to use him to extort a large amount of money.他们打算用这个男孩来勒索大笔的钱财。

10.Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection.如同智者也不会因大自然奥秘、发现其完美,而丧失对其好奇之心。