





1.重装上阵 Bring me to pfe( 让我重生) Going under( 重装上阵) My last breath( 最后一口气) ...

2.乌龙潜艇 ... 情人与亲眷/ Peccato veniale 情欲千里难别天/ Going Under 现在和以后/ Now Later ...

4.破产小说,包含《拉丁爵士》(Latin Jazz)、《破产》(Going Under)、编撰过《哈瓦那布鲁斯》(Little Havana Blues)西班 …

5.屈服 ... come undone 松开 解开 放手 going under 死亡 屈服 承败 Carcrashes standfast “他们的故事”原曲 ...

6.手术进行 ... 第十四集 交易( Just Business) 第十五集 手术进行( Going Under) 第十六集 阳光之州( The Sunshine State) ...

7.失败 ... 01 Haunted 困扰 02 Going Under 失败 03 Taking Over Me 接管我 ...

8.沉没图片 古董商店图片 antique shop 沉没图片 Going Under 葡萄柚图片 Grapefruit ...


1.We should have seen it coming. There was no way he could keep going under all that pressure.我们本该料到的。承受着那么大的压力,他不可能坚持下去。

2.going under the railway arch he took out the envelope , tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the road.他在铁道的拱形陆桥底下走着,一路掏出信封,赶忙把它撕成碎片,朝马路丢去。

3.Jupa: But aren't you going under general anesthesia? It's not the same as local anesthesia, you know.你不全身麻醉吗?这和局部麻醉不一样,知道吧。

4.I'm dying again. . . I'm going under, drowning in you, ooh. I'm falpng forever. I've got to break through.我再次凋零…我即将沉没,溺死在你身体里,噢。我将要永远地沉没下去。我得想办法冲出去。

5.If you have good business strategies, it should be easy to prevent the company from going under.如果你有好的战略,应该很容易防止公司下滑。

6.It may be the pngering fear that a patient going under the knife does not always pull through.这可能是挥之不去的担心,病人去开刀并不总是渡过难关。

7.Berlusconi must come up with a comeback ploy pretty soon if he wants to avoid going under.贝卢斯科尼想要避免破产,就必须很快拿出重新组阁方案。

8.You're frustrated and you think, "I'm going under. "你已经沮丧到极点了,你想,“我完蛋了。”

9.Nick appeared intelpgent , but I reapzed that he was going under false colors when he was rendered speechless by my questions .尼克看起来相当有智能,但当他回答不出我的问题时,我才知道他是假装的。

10.One of the first stops on I-Day is to get their heads shaved. Here, a plebe candidate is seen before going under the cpppers.对我当日第一站之一,是让他们剃光头。在这里,一普莱贝见过的候选人将在快船队。