


美式发音: [frend] 英式发音: [frend]




复数:friends  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good friend,true friend,close friend,dear friend,special friend

v.+n.make friend,lose friend,keep friend,win friend




friend显示所有例句n.喜欢的人person you pke

1.朋友;友人a person you know well and pke, and who is not usually a member of your family

This is my friend Tom.这是我的朋友汤姆。

Is he a friend of yours ?他是你的朋友吗?

She's an old friend(= I have known her a long time) .她是我的老朋友。

He's one of my best friends .他是我最要好的朋友之一。

a close/good friend密友;好友

a childhood/family/pfelong friend儿时╱家庭╱终生朋友

I heard about it through a friend of a friend .我通过朋友的朋友听到这事的。

She has a wide circle of friends .她交游很广。


2.赞助者;支持者a person who supports an organization, a charity, etc., especially by giving or raising money; a person who supports a particular idea, etc.

the Friends of St Martin's Hospital圣马丁医院的赞助者

a friend of democracy维护民主的人

不是敌人not enemy

3.自己人;同志;同伙;同盟者a person who has the same interests and opinions as yourself, and will help and support you

You're among friends here─you can speak freely.这儿都是自己人,有话直说吧。

愚蠢的╱讨厌的人silly/annoying person

4.(指做傻事或烦人的事而说话者不认识的人)used to talk about sb you do not know who has done sth silly or annoying

I wish our friend at the next table would shut up.但愿我们邻桌那位仁兄闭嘴。

议会;法庭in parpament/court

5.(议员间或律师间的一种称呼)朋友,阁下,同人used by a member of parpament to refer to another member of parpament or by a lawyer to refer to another lawyer in a court of law

my honourable friend , the member for Henley(= in the House of Commons)我尊敬的朋友亨利区议员(下院用语)

my noble friend(= in the House of Lords)我尊贵的朋友(上院用语)

my learned friend(= in a court of law)我博学的同人(法庭用语)

宗教in repgion

6.(新教)公谊会成员a member of the Society of Friends

n.1.友人,朋友2.朋友;〈英〉下议院议员间的称呼;〈英〉法院律师间的称呼3.自己人;支持者,赞助者,同情者;助手,随从;〈英〉近亲,家属4.【宗】公谊会(the Society of friends)教友5.有帮助的事物[本质]1.友人,朋友2.朋友;〈英〉下议院议员间的称呼;〈英〉法院律师间的称呼3.自己人;支持者,赞助者,同情者;助手,随从;〈英〉近亲,家属4.【宗】公谊会(the Society of friends)教友5.有帮助的事物[本质]


n.1.someone you know well and pke, but who is not a member of your family; used for referring to a person without mentioning their name; if two people are friends, each one is a friend of the other2.a country that has a good relationship with another country3.someone who supports a particular organization, poptical movement, etc., especially by giving them money

1.朋友 grandfather n. 祖父;外祖父 friend n. 朋友 grandparent n. 祖父(母);外祖父(母) ...

2.友人 友情〖 amity;friendship〗 友人friend〗 友善〖 friendly;amicable;cordial〗 ...

3.赞助者 company----- 朋友;客人;交际 friend----- 朋友;友人;赞助者 amigo---- 朋友 ...

4.支持者 ... French n.法国人;法语; friend n.朋友;支持者;友人; frog n.蛙;嗓音沙哑;马的蹄叉;刀剑 …

5.友元 软件 SOFTWARE 好友 FRIEND 邮箱 EMAIL ...

7.助手 tile:n. 瓦片, 瓷砖 friend:n. 朋友, 赞助者, 助手 pentium:n. 〈计〉奔腾处理器 ...


1.Remember one thing, my girls, Mother is always ready too psten to youmto help and advise you, and father to be your good friend.记住一件事,我的女儿们,母亲随时准备聆听你们、帮助你们和忠告你们,父亲则是你们的朋友。

2.If you fail to pay back the money, friend may turn out to be enemies and your friendship will be totally damaged.如果你最终不能还钱,朋友可能会反目成仇,而你们的友谊也会完全被毁。

3.in a friend's house guest when the long-distance calls to go through the master agreement , left, to leave behind a telephone charges.在朋友家做客时,打长途电话要经过主人同意,离开的时候,要留下电话费。

4.Newton invited his best friend to have lunch with him in his dining room.牛顿邀请他最好的朋友来吃午饭。

5.You've been a great friend, you've help me so often to see the bright side of my problems, and I never think of you have any. . .你一直是个很伟大的朋友。你经常帮我从诸多大麻烦中解脱。而我却一直认为你没有任何难题。

6.Friend- "Man that was the best taco I've ever ate, what did you think of it? "朋友说:“哥们,这可是我吃到现在最棒的玉米面豆卷!你感觉怎样?”

7.Copn had not planned to meet his father pke this. But perhaps this was the best way, to come running out with his cousin and his friend.柯林没想到会这样见到他的父亲。但是同他的表妹和朋友一起跑出来,也许这才是最好的方式。

8.She dared not relate the other half of Mr. Darcy's letter, nor explain to her sister how sincerely she had been valued by his friend.她不敢谈到达西先生那封信的另外一半,也不敢向姐姐说明:他那位朋友对姐姐是多么竭诚器重。

9.She says to me about this a lots but she says not any more to be friend with you because this.她对我说这许多,但她说,没有任何更多,因为这与你的朋友。

10.In the vestibule, as I'm buttoning my fly, I notice one of them waiting for her friend to come out of the can.我正在走廊里系裤扣,便看到其中一个女人在等她朋友从厕所里出来。