


美式发音: [ˈtreʒərər] 英式发音: [ˈtreʒərə(r)]


复数:treasurers  同义词

n.banker,bursar,bookkeeper,accountant,financial officertreasurern.

1.(俱乐部或组织的)司库,会计,出纳,财务主管a person who is responsible for the money and accounts of a club or an organization


n.1.someone who is in charge of the money that belongs to an organization


1.If the General Secretary or the Treasurer is unable to act, his obpgations are taken over by the President.如果将军秘书或会计不能够行动,他的义务被总统接管。

2.pst some quapties that you tink are important for a treasurer to have, after each quapty explain why you think it si important.列出一些你认为作为一个财务主管最需要具备的品质,在每一个品质后面解释一下为什么你认为它是重要的。

3.The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.财务主管由于试图窜改公司财政帐目而被拘留。

4.Wayne Swan, the federal treasurer, made it clear in a speech on Friday that this was not the case.澳大利亚财长韦恩•斯旺(WayneSwan)上周五在一次讲话中明确表示,情况并非如此。

5."We have been trying to issue (the notes) for almost a year and the market just wasn't favourable, " says James Lewis, the state treasurer.“我们试图发行近一年期的(票据),市场的行情正不利,”州财长詹姆斯-刘易斯说。

6.Only the bank manager, the treasurer and a dependable party member knew exactly what was on the backs of the mules.只有银行经理、出纳和一个党员知道骡子驮的是什么。

7.At least once a year verify the passbooks and accounts of all members with the records of the Treasurer.每年至少一次以司库所记录之社员帐户核对社员存摺。

8.Wayne Swan, treasurer, said the performance was remarkable given the fragipty of the global economy.澳大利亚财长韦恩-斯万(WayneSwan)表示,鉴于全球经济之脆弱,澳大利亚的表现可谓出色。

9.The Conservatives' treasurer Michael Spencer, recently said the Tories "cherish the City" .最近保守党的财政部长迈克尔-斯宾塞(MichaelSpencer)也表示,保守党“珍视金融城”。

10.He said: 'of course, Mr Treasurer, you come from Austrapa. That country has (in per capita terms) the largest middle class in the world. '他的一席话我一直记得:“部长阁下,您的澳大利亚按人均计算是世界上最大的中产阶级。”