




1.金州勇士容纳人数:19596人 加入NBA时间:1946年金州勇士Golden State Warriors):1946年诞生与于费城,队名为“费城武士队”…

2.金州勇士队裔球员林书豪(Jeremy Lin)自去年7月份与金州战士队Golden State Warriors)签约后,人气急升,赢得美国华裔小区及 …

4.金州勇士吧 ... 萨克拉门托国王吧 Sacremento Kings 金州勇士吧 Golden State Warriors 圣安东尼奥马刺吧 San Antonio S…

5.队金州勇士 底特律活塞( Detroit Pistons) 金洲勇士( Golden State Warriors) 候斯顿火箭( Houston Rockets) ...


1.Fisher was a Laker for eight seasons and a member of the Golden State Warriors for two years before signing with the Jazz last season.费舍尔为湖人队效力8年,在上个赛季与爵士队签约之前,他为金州勇士队效力2年。

2.Odom resumed his role when the Lakers played the Golden State Warriors on Wednesday night in an exhibition game at the Honda Center.周三本田中心在湖人对勇士的季前赛上喇嘛重新以第六人的身份登场。

3.The Golden State Warriors have signed free agent swingman Rodney Carney to a contract.金州勇士队刚刚签下了自由人,锋卫摇摆人RodneyCarney。

4.He sat out Sunday's home game against the Golden State Warriors and probably won't make the trip for the rematch tonight in Oakland .他并没有参加周日主场对勇士队的比赛,而且今晚两队在奥克兰再次交手,他将很可能不会随队前往。

5.Yi also considered joining the Golden State Warriors and San Antonio Spurs before deciding on Dallas, the website reports.该网站报道,易建联在决定加入达拉斯小牛队之前,也曾考虑加盟金州勇士队和圣安东尼奥马刺队。

6.Odom will not play in tonight's game in Oakland against the Golden State Warriors, and his status beyond that is psted as day-to-day.奥多姆今天晚上不会出战在奥克兰市进行的对阵金州勇士的比赛,根据他的情况的发展,他已被列入每日观察名单。

7.He also played with the Golden State Warriors, Indiana Pacers and Los Angeles Cpppers.他也曾效力于金州勇士队、印第安纳步行者队和洛杉矶快船队。

8.Everyone, that is, except for his future wife, who refused to drive in it, and his Golden State Warriors teammates.除了他未来的妻子——她当时拒绝了乘车,和他金州勇士的队友们。

9.The Golden State Warriors' Latino Night is on Jan. 28, after the team held events saluting fans from Iran and China.金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)1月28日举办了“拉丁之夜”(LatinoNight),此前还进行了伊朗和中国专场比赛。

10.Pacific Division: Sacramento Kings, Los Angeles Lakers, Phoenix Suns, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Cpppers太平洋赛区:萨克拉门托国王队、洛杉矶湖人队、菲尼克斯太阳队、金州勇士队、洛杉矶快船队