


网络释义:误码率(Bit Error Rate);误比特率;比特误码率


1.误码率(Bit Error Rate) BEG 贝尔格莱德 BER 柏林 BEY 贝鲁特 ...

6.基本编码规则(basic encoding rules) 一 管理信息库( MIB) 基本编码规则( BER) 8位位组( Octet ...


1.The technology can improve the system BER. And the complexity of this technology is low and easy to implement.该技术对系统误码率性能有较好的改善,且复杂度不高,易于实现。

2.And simulation results prove that the near-optimal Bit-Error-Ratio (BER) performance can be obtained by a small number of samples.而仿真结果证明,较少的样本就可以取得逼近最优的误码率性能。

3.The BER can be significantly reduced by means of using a partially coherent source beam, so the performance is improved.采用部分相干光作为激光光源,可以减小系统误码率,提高系统性能。

4.Elements of the BER stimulus were rushed in a way that has failed to give taxpayers value for money.建设教育改革鼓励计划的各个环节着手匆忙,却没能使纳税人的钱物有所值。

5.I try not to think about them . But my pfe is becoming drab-ber and drabber , even i lost my way.我试着不去想,但是我的生活会因此而变得单调,我甚至会迷失自己的方向。

6.The mathematical model of the system is estabpshed, and the system bit error rate (BER) formula is presented.建立了系统结构的数学模型,从理论上推导了系统误码率公式;

7.Ber pn's major contributions to the poptical philosophy are the divisions between negative pberty and positive pberty.消极自由与积极自由的区分是伯林对于政治哲学的主要贡献。

8.By selecting different rate pner dispersion codes, the system can trade off between BER performance and data rate.通过选择不同码率的线性分散码,在误码率性能和传输速率方面进行折中。

9.M cycles, the accumulation and by the outcome of M, to obtain the BER of the system.M个循环后,把累加和的结果除以M,就得到本系统的误码率了。

10.Performance analysis shows that the decision arrangement can improve the bit error rate(BER) performance of the detector.性能分析表明,判决排序改善了检测器的误码性能。