

guess who

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1.男生女生黑白配 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 I gotcha pl bro 两个铁兄弟 ...

3.猜猜我是谁 ... 粉红怪物 Pink monster by ariel9 猜猜我是谁Guess Who! by Tonebarge 轮盘飞船 VeganSpace by tomba…

4.谁敢来晚餐 ... 12、I Can Play Music! 好玩的乐器! 8、Guess Who? 猜猜它是谁? 10、Who Is It? 是谁呀? ...

6.猜角色猜角色(Guess Who) V1.7(安卓2.2及以上) 祖玛天地 V7(安卓1.6及以上) 罗杰海盗(Roger jolly pirate) V1.0.2(安卓2.2及以上)


1.The U. S. Presidential Election is around the corner. Take a wild guess, who will be the next president?美国马上就要总统大选了。我们不妨猜猜看,谁会是下一任总统。

2."Libby-ah, " she'll say to me. "Guess who I see yesterday, you guess. " And I don't have to guess that she's talking about someone dead.“利比—阿,”她对我说,“猜猜看昨天我看到谁了,猜猜看。”而我根本不必猜就知道她在谈的是某个死者了。

3.You had to think of someone everybody knew. Someone you could imitate and everyone else would have to guess who it was.你得想出大家都知道的一个人,一个你可以模仿,而别人都能猜出来的人。

4.Get children to come to the front one at a time. The children should read out their sentences and the other children must guess who it is.每次让几个学生到讲台前来。这几个学生必须说出他们的句子并,其它同学必须来猜测他(她)是谁。

5.I closed the book , and tears gushing from my eyes . But I needn't had to guess who was the protagonist of the message in this old book.我合上书,泪水如泉般涌出。而我也不必再去猜这本旧书留言的主人公是谁了。

6.I can't. I'm going to Orlando for a week on Friday. Some guy's attempting to make the world's biggest pancake. Guess who's covering it?不行,我周五要去奥兰多一星期。有个人要做世界上最大的煎饼。猜猜是由谁报道的?

7.The letters are never signed, but girls , apparently, make a game of trying to guess who send them.这种信件从不署名,但很明显,姑娘们喜欢对写信人作出各种猜测。

8.He did not name anyone in particular, but it was hardly difficult to guess who he had in mind.萨科齐并没有具体点某个人的名字,但人们很容易就能猜到他在指谁。

9.Yet with a week to go before polpng day, it is anybody's guess who will win.然而,离投票选举还有一周的时间,很难说鹿死谁手。

10.to spoil it. guess who asked me to visit the captain with him?被破坏了,猜猜谁请我一起去拜访上尉?