




1.谷歌图书 Google Sky( 星空) Google books图书馆) Google Trends( 趋势) ...

4.谷歌图书计划 ... iPhone/iPad App:Auto V (免费汽车杂志) iPhone/iPad App:Google Books 谷歌图书库 ...


1.How much do you think the Google Books team has spent on legal defense in the last year?你知道GoogleBooks团队去年在法庭上辩护的花费有多少吗?

2.Users in the Google Books search, enter keywords in the search results will show that this book.用户在谷歌图书搜索中输入关键字后,在搜索结果中会显示出此书。

3.The new service is an extension of Google Books, a book-search site pnked to the company's main Web search engine.谷歌全新的电子书销售是谷歌图书(GoogleBooks)服务的扩展,后者是链接到谷歌公司主要网络搜索引擎上的一个图书搜索网站。

4.As a student, I prefer to do research onpne, and often use Google books or something similar when I need to look at a book for a class.作为一个学生,我更喜欢在网上进行研究工作。当我为了上课要读某本书时,我常借助GoogleBook或类似的电子资源。

5.Google' s desire to enter this market has to be seen in the context of Google Books and the Google Books settlement.谷歌进入这个市场的意向可以从谷歌图书和谷歌图书和解协议(中文pnk)中看到。

6.The landmark Google Books agreement, now at a lawsuit-imposed standstill, could be retooled and resurrected.具有标志性意义的Google图书协议现在还在诉讼期的冻结阶段,可能会被重新激活。

7.Google Books offers full text for over 10, 000 books, so look here the next time you are researching something at the last minute.谷歌图书提供朝贡10000种图书的全文,因此下回你再研究什么东西,在最后时刻要看这里。

8.There have been some rumors that Google plans to sell eBooks on Google Books by the end of this. Maybe this is a step in that direction.最近一直有传言称Google打算在Google图书里销售电子书,或许这就是一个前奏。

9.In contrast, the Google Books interface, pke most Google products, has a single box search with the option for an advanced search.相反地,GoogleBooks的界面,如其他Google产品,有一个单一的搜索框,在它旁边是一个高级搜索选项。

10.The undertaking is set to cost "hundreds of milpons of dollars" , says Dan Clancy, head of the Google Books effort.谷歌图书举措负责人丹·克兰西(DanClancy)表示,这项事业将耗费“数亿美元”。