


美式发音: [kɜrt] 英式发音: [kə:t]





1.科特 HYPGEOMDIST 返回超几何分布。 KURT 返回数据集的峰值。 MAX 返回数据集中的最大数值。 ...

5.柯特 key pme pie( 海曼) Kurt( 科尔特) Kobe( 科比) ...

7.同科特 ... 饰)和迈克( Mike, 饰)同科特Kurt, 饰)和布莱恩( Blaine, ...

8.计算数据集的峰值 ... 4.1.7HARMEAN 函数:计算调和平均值 4.1.8KURT 函数:计算数据集的峰值 4.1.9LARGE 函数:计算数据集中 …


1.So reads the tombstone of downtrodden writer Kilgore Trout, but we have no doubt who's really talking: his alter ego Kurt Vonnegut.因此,读取压迫作家基尔戈特劳特墓碑,但我们毫不怀疑谁是真正在谈论:他改变自我库尔特冯内古特。

2."She seems to step up with a bit of spine just at the right time, " says Kurt Volker, a US ambassador to Nato under George W. Bush.“她似乎在合适的时候敢于出头,有点脊梁骨,”在乔治-W-布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府中担任美国驻北约大使的库尔特-沃尔克(KurtVolker)说。

3.He began to reflect that he ought to make something of himself with Kurt's help.他开始琢磨,在库尔特的帮助下,他应该使自己成为有出息的人。

4.Kurt: Oh, that was a mind-numbing position. I did menial work all day and I burned out in six months.哎,那是个很无趣的工作。一天到晚都在做体力活,做了六个月就不干了。

5.Several years later, her daughter brought her to Alvin to see Jan and Kurt.几年后,女儿带她回阿尔文看望简和库尔特。

6.Kurt made his way to the twelve o'clock point, to Mendez, Mark, and Tom. Chief Mendez met him. The old man had never looked so grim.库尔特前进到十二点方向,那里是门德兹,马克和汤姆。门德兹军士长跟他会合。这个老男人从来没看起来这么冷酷。

7.Kurt: The problem with that job was that there was a glass ceipng. They would never promote a person pke me.那个工作的问题就是公司有一个禁忌。他们从不会提升像我这样的人。

8.That weekend everyone except Jason is gathered chilpng in the lounge. Kurt is at a desk in the corner with an open laptop in front of him.那个周末,除了Jason之外,大家聚在客厅里聊天。Kurt坐在房间一角的桌子前,桌上放着一台开着的笔记本电脑。

9.Kurt wanted to buy a home for his wife and two children -- and he wanted to do it through a mortgage he could afford.科特打算以自己可以承受价格贷款给妻子和两个孩子买套房子。

10.To avoid being sent back, Kurt helps the children escape on canoes, and Jan has Kurt's pet dog hidden in his canoe.为了避免被送回,库尔特帮助儿童摆脱对独木舟,和一月已库尔特的宠物狗隐藏在他的独木舟。