




1.谷歌周二在该公司官方博客中表示,谷歌主页将放弃半年前在谷歌主页Google网址被屏蔽)推出的黑色长条式导航栏,今后将把相应 …

7.谷歌国际正常情况下,谷歌国际google网址被屏蔽)当键入“九评共产党”到搜索项时,具有联想功能的谷歌,立即出现联想词条如:九评共产 …


1.The layout of google. com is often cited as a good example of simplexity.的布局经常被引用为“简单的复杂”典范。

2.The company does not host Gmail on its servers inside China, making Google. com the gateway to the communication service.谷歌的Gmail服务不在中国境内的服务器上提供,使Google网址被屏蔽成了这一电子邮件服务的网关。

3.For a while, users were automatically redirected from google. cn to unfiltered google. com. hk; they now have to cpck to get there.有一段时间,谷歌中国内地网站google网址被屏蔽的用户会被自动跳转至未经过滤的谷歌香港网站google网址被屏蔽.hk;现在他们必须通过点击才能转接至香港网站。

4.Right now that pnk redirects to Google. com, but we assume the gallery's launch must be right around the corner.现在点击这个链接会转向Google网址被屏蔽,但Google很可能马上就要推出正式扩展了。

5.Instead, visitors to Google. cn will be able to cpck on an icon that transports them to a new version of Google. com. hk.取而代之的做法是,当访问Google网址被屏蔽网站的用户点击一个图标后,将可转至一个新版Google网址被屏蔽.hk网站。

6.From this point until the launch of google. cn in 2006, Chinese web users access Google through its main, uncensored google. com address.从那时开始一直到2006年google网址被屏蔽进入中国之前,中国网络用户一直通过google网址被屏蔽这个无须审查的主网址进入谷歌。

7.Note that it's possible maps. google. com can try to access files on your local machine if you enable this option.注意,如果您启用了这个选项,maps.google网址被屏蔽可能会访问您的本地机器上的文件。

8.For those of you who have smartphones, and can't wait, check buzz. google. com on your mobile.对于那些拥有智能手机且急不可耐的用户,现在就手机登陆buzz.google网址被屏蔽吧。

9.Users can also submit proposals, or even finished doodles, to the company via a dedicated e-mail address: proposals@google. com.用户也可以向一个专门的电子邮件地址:proposals@google网址被屏蔽,提交关于Google涂鸦的建议,甚至已经完成的Google涂鸦也可以。

10.I also saw it pnked from google. com, though not at the moment.我也看到了来自google网址被屏蔽的链接,虽然不是现在。