


网络释义:用力肺活量(forced vital capacity);最大肺活量;用力呼气肺活量


1.用力肺活量(forced vital capacity) 1. 肺活量( VC) 2. 努力性肺活量( FVC) 7. 白蛋白/球蛋白比值( A/G) ...

5.肺功能用力肺活量(五)患有呼吸道疾病史者肺功能用力肺活量FVC) 或一秒最大呼气量(FEV1/FVC)低於六十%之预测值。


1.Both FEV1 and FVC had a significant inverse relationship with stroke incidence, but adjustment attenuated this relationship.FEV1和FVC与中风发生率显著反相关,但是校正减弱了这种关系。

2.The simulations were done to the proposed algorithms on FVC database, and results show that the proposed methods are effective.在FVC指纹库上对算法进行仿真实验,结果证明了方法的有效性。

3.First second forced expiratory volume accounts for the percentage of FVC (FEV1%).第一秒用力呼气量占用力肺活量的百分率(FEV1%)。

4.smoking in their circumstances, their FVC aging period will be shortened to 50.在其抽烟的情况下,其肺活量的衰老期将缩短到50年。

5.For FVC, stating patients lost 1. 3 percent of capacity compared with 10. 3 percent loss in the others.对于FVC来说,服用他汀类患者降低了1.3%的容量,而未服用者则降低了10.

6.The Vegetation Classification Using FVC and DEM in South Xinjiang of China利用FVC和DEM对中国新疆南部植被的分类研究

7.FVC Method: An Advanced Method of Firm Value AssessmentFVC方法:评估公司价值的先进方法

8.Forced expiratory flow during middle half of FVC用力呼气中段流量