


美式发音: ['reɪmənd] 英式发音: ['reɪmənd]





1.雷蒙德 Rayleign 雷利; 瑞利 Raymond 雷蒙德 Reade 里德 ...

2.黄浩然爱在魅来1分钟 (2012) (Short Film) 爱在魅来1分钟 (2012) (Short Film)...

4.林峰林峰(raymond) 出生日期 1979年12月8日 出生地点 厦门 身高 180 厘米 体重 68 公斤 别名昵称 朱古力 林汇文(原名) 少爷(昵称) …

5.郭炳联继承人:三个儿子:郭炳湘(Walter)、郭炳江(Thomas)、郭炳联(Raymond)。纷争:2008年,郭氏兄弟的母亲、时年79岁的邝 …

6.曾守明曾守明Raymond),早年曾效力亚洲电视,后加盟为香港无线电视艺员;曾守明於1991年加入义勇军,1997年投考辅警。曾 …

7.何锺泰立法会前工程界议员何锺泰Raymond),过去十多年议员生涯中甚少带同家人出席公开场合,连带佢嘅家庭生活都讳莫如深 …


1.Raymond said he had tips from sources that Combs would be at the rink to watch his child's hockey game on Friday.雷蒙德说,他得到消息说库姆斯将会在周五前往冰场观看孩子的冰球赛。

2.Raymond: What the heck is going on here? How could we be so completely in the dark about these rumors until now?搞什么呀?我们怎么会被蒙在鼓里,一直到现在才知道这些流言呢?

3.But a brittle government under strong pressure from its electorate and miptary may struggle to survive if it frees Raymond Davis.但根据其选民和军事的强大压力脆政府可能为生存而挣扎,如果它释放雷蒙德戴维斯。

4.Eighty-seven year old Raymond Ward had been a resident of the Newark Home for the Aged for only two weeks.八十七岁的雷蒙德·沃德已在纽瓦克养老院生活了两个星期。

5.Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonfulof pquor, some vinegar and opve oil-but that comes ten minutes later.雷蒙:是的,你必须放进一汤匙的酒,一些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。

6.Raymond commented that how come the BN component parties had so much talk on him and yet the opposition keep total "silent" on the issue.他说,为什么国阵成员党极力做出攻击和话题多多,但是反对党却保持“沉默”。

7."Yeah. Some, " she said. "Raymond used to get off better than the rest of us, but now he's the only one left, I wonder. "“是的,有时候,”她说,“以前雷蒙德比我们会逃,可现在就剩他一个人在家了。”

8.At Rockville in Maryland, the Raymond family got some of the last tickets of the day to see Harry Potter.在马里兰州的洛克维尔,雷门一家买到了当天《哈利·波特》的最后几张电影票。

9.In January, Raymond told Walter he was no longer fit to work as chairman and chief executive because he had bipolar affective disorder.1月份,郭炳联告诉郭炳湘,他不再适合担任主席和行政总裁职务,因为他患有躁郁症。

10.Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a "fine old family" who prefers the company of black people.上层人则饱受社会优宠:多尔弗斯·雷蒙出身世家,是个富有的白人,更喜欢与黑人为伍。