




1.大猩猩玻璃示,DEFY 的 3.7 寸触控萤幕是采用康宁强化耐刮玻璃Gorilla glass)所制成,所以可以耐刮,省去买保护贴或是保护套的 …

6.强化玻璃显视屏(Corning)以制作玻璃、陶瓷厨具起家,推出的大猩猩强化玻璃Gorilla Glass)在2007年被苹果iPhone采用后,一炮而红…


1.Thus, what came out of our lab was a fresh composition that we patented as Corning Gorilla Glass.因此,我们实验室生产的玻璃是一种新型混合物,我们以康宁Gorila玻璃获得专利。

2.This turned Jobs around, and he said he wanted as much gorilla glass as Corning could make within six months.乔布斯服了,他说六个月内,Corning能生产多少钢化玻璃,他就要多少。

3."For Corning, the growth story is three to five years and I've got confidence in Gorilla Glass, " Anderson concluded.安德森总结表示:「对康宁来说,成长期间为三到五年,而且我对金刚玻璃深具信心。」

4.As we said, the X1 has a 13. 3-inch, 350-nit display fashioned out of edge-to-edge Gorilla Glass.如前所述,ThinkPadX1有着13.3吋、350-nit亮度的显示器,并且披覆着康宁Gorilla强化玻璃。

5.Steiner said TVs covered by Gorilla Glass will appear next year.史泰纳表示,用金刚玻璃罩住的电视将于明年问世。

6.But Gorilla Glass' future still depends on TVs because they require more glass than pocket devices.不过金刚玻璃的未来仍仰赖电视,因为电视用到的玻璃比口袋装置多。

7.ThinkPad has a 10. 1-inch multitouch display protected by Corning's Gorilla Glass.ThinkPad平板电脑采用10.1寸多点触摸显示屏,并有康宁超强化玻璃保护。

8.One thing's for sure: there will be a lot of Gorilla Glass under the tree this year.有一件事情是确定的:今年的圣诞树下将会有更多的Gorilla玻璃(指圣诞礼物)。

9.Today, Apple buys practically all the Gorilla Glass that Corning can make.今天,苹果公司几乎买断了康宁公司可以生产的所有Gorilla玻璃。

10.Corning, via Associated Press Corning says its Gorilla Glass is used in 280 gadgets from 20 brands.康宁公司通过美联社发表声明,其生产的Gorilla玻璃已用于20个品牌的280种设备。