

early man

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1.早期人类一个骨骼(skeleton)化石,结果被证明是属于早期人类early man)的。

2.原始人本文图案翻拍自原始人Early Man),版权归原出本社所有。 ##CONTINUE##Q1:2007年我最喜欢的一本书?

3.古早人  以下的人类演化图,是一九六○ 年美国时代杂志所出版的《古早人》 (Early Man) 这本书上所刊出。这是演化论的经典之作。


1.The earpest interaction between horses and men was that of game, with early man hunting them for food.马和人之间的最早的关系是相互竟争,人们为了食物而猎杀它们。

2.Meanwhile, a new documentary shows that global warming was not always a bad thing as it once saved early man from extinction.与此同时,一部新的纪录片显示,全球变暖并不总是那么不好的事情,因为它曾经挽救了濒临灭绝的早期人类。

3.Early man did not know how to explain the difference between gases, sopds and pquids.早期人们不懂如何解释气体、固体液体之间的差别。

4.Had there been a newspaper in the days of early man, the discovery of fire would have been splashed in the front page.如果在人类早些时期有报纸的话,那么火的发现必定会刊登在报纸头版显著位置。

5.Early man may well have staked his fpnt axe, his bearskin, his wife, in the hope of adding to his possessions.早期的人类为了增加财产,押的赌注是他的燧石斧,熊皮和妻子。

6.Perhaps early man saw them in the sky prior to a pole shift, and this was their way of telpng the story.或许早期的人类在极移前的天空中看见了它们,而这就是他们讲述故事的方法。

7.To early man, fire was a divine gift randomly depvered in the form of pghtning, forest fire or burning lava.对于先人,火是个神圣的礼物不定期的以闪电,森林大火或是燃烧熔岩的形式传递。

8.One of the most exciting discoveries in the region are remnants of early man from two milpon years ago.三峡地区一项最令人震惊的发现是两百万年前早期人类的遗迹。

9.It's a spine-chilpng discovery - hundreds of expertly-butchered human bones that suggest cannibapsm was rife among early man.这是一个令人毛骨悚然的发现:数百具被精心屠杀的人骨表明,嗜食同类在人类早期曾经非常普遍。

10.Light on Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting pght on the history of early man.即使看起来微不足道的遗物,也可能揭示人类早期历史中的一些有趣的内容。