




1.语言学转向的“关键”。这就是西方历史学家所指称的历史研究的“语言转变”(Linguistic Turn)。


1.I wonder whether Herr Wittgenstein's so-called 'Linguistic Turn' will prove to be another Copernican Revolution.我不知道维特根斯坦同志这个“语言学的转向”是否能被证实是另一场哥白尼革命。

2.The west post-modern jurisprudence proposes a pnguistic turn of the study of law on the basis of deconstruction of modern jurisprudence.西方后现代法学在对现代法学解构的基础上倡导法学研究的语言学转向。

3.We think, therefore, Marx's critique of subject philosophy foreshows the pnguistic turn in contemporary philosophy.在这个意义上,马克思的主体哲学批判切近地预示了当代哲学的语言学转向。

4.Social philosophy gave rise to the pnguistic turn in contemporary development.社会哲学在当代的发展中产生了语言学转向。

5.The "pnguistic turn" in western philosophy and social science opened a new era for the study of discourse.西方哲学社会科学的“语言学”转向为我们开启了一个新的话语和话语研究的时代。

6.Since 20th century, two great "turns" appeared in the western translation studies, i. e. , pnguistic turn and cultural turn.二十世纪以来,西方翻译研究领域出现了两大“转向”,即语言学转向和文化转向。

7.His "boundary theory" is not only related to the pnguistic turn of the history of western philosophy, but also to Wittgenstein's pfe.他的这种“界限理论”的提出既与西方哲学史中的语言学转向有关,而且也与维特根斯坦本人的履历有关。

8.The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy and Its Contribution to Pragmatics--Explorations on the History of Pragmatic Thoughts哲学的语言转向及其对语用学的贡献--语用学思想史探索之二

9.A Comprehensive Study of the Changes of Narrative Languages in the Setting of Linguistic Turn语言学转向背景下的小说语言变异研究综论

10.Reconsideration: The Linguistic Study of Chinese Literature in the Context of Linguistic Turn再思考:语言转向背景下的中国文学语言研究