


美式发音: [baɪˈɑnɪk] 英式发音: [baɪˈɒnɪk]







1.(因体内有电子装置)能力超人的having parts of the body that are electronic, and therefore able to do things that are not possible for normal humans


adj.1.bionic body parts are artificial electronic parts that replace body parts that have been removed or do not work correctly2.able to do things that other people cannot do

1.仿生学的 aeration 充气;通风 bionic adj. 仿生学的 break through 突破,突入 ...

2.利用仿生学的 被人利用的人 pawn 利用仿生学的 bionic 回收利用 recycle ...

3.仿生机器人 ... Monday Morning 周一早晨 1. Bionic 超·未·来 2. Not Myself Tonight 激情变身夜 ...

5.仿生充气娃娃 VOICE OVER 剧作家的旁白 Bionic 仿生充气娃娃 NOON 正午 ...

6.仿生物的动态机器产品,转而为「智慧型」的嵌入式微电子系统。微电子系统可做为独立的监控装置,或可整合至「仿生物 (Bionic) …


1.If you wanted to see bionic arms or legs in action, you used to have to look back to 1970s television shows or Star Wars movies.如果你想看到仿生手臂或仿生腿如何运转,可以去看上世纪70年代的电视片或星球大战的电影。

2.Formula One fan Matthew James, however, had a more specific ambition. He wanted the car company to help build him a new bionic hand.然而一级方式程赛车粉丝马修•詹姆斯却拥有更具体的雄心。他想让汽车公司帮他做一个新的仿生手。

3.His invention represents a bionic cargo transport that uses an innovative segmented body remarkably pke that of a centipede.邓海山的这一发明是一辆车身很像蜈蚣的分段式仿生货车。

4.It used to be that you could only find the bionic man or woman in science fiction.过去只能在科幻小说中看到仿生人。

5.You'd be able to fly. Or if you could download your brain to a bionic entity, you'd be pke a Superman.你还能飞起来。同样地,下载到仿生物体上,你也会变成超人。

6.An American woman has become the first in the world to receive a bionic arm that allows her to move the pmb by the power of thought.目前,一名美国妇女成为世界上首位拥有仿生手臂的人。仿生手臂的运动受人的思想的控制。

7.But there is no bionic suit to help him pft Japan out of its economic and poptical paralysis.但是,没有机械套装来帮助他,把日本带离现在的经济和政治瘫痪状态。

8.'If I hadn't been fitted with the bionic cervix, I would never have been able to to have a child.假如我未被安装这种“仿生宫颈”,我也许永远都没有可能去怀有一个孩子。

9.The tactile sensor applying PVDF as a sensitive material, has a complaisance surface and a minimal size, very suitable for the bionic hand.触滑觉组合传感器采用PVDF作为敏感材料.柔顺的传感器表面和小巧的尺寸使之能完全应用于仿生假手的手指上。

10.The invention relates to a bionic material, in particular to a blood compatibipty bionic material and a preparation method thereof.本发明涉及仿生材料,具体涉及一种血液相容性生物材料及其制备方法。