


美式发音: [ə'dʒu:dɪkeɪtə(r)] 英式发音: [ə'dʒu:dɪkeɪtə(r)]



复数:adjudicators  同义词




1.评判员 adjourn vi. 延期,休会,换地方 adjudicator n. 评判员 adjunct n. 附属物,附件,修饰语 ...

2.裁决人 Ad valorem stamp duty 从价印花税 Adjudicator 审裁员 Admitted value 认可值 ...

4.判决者 adjudicative 判决的 adjudicator 判决者 adjunct professor 副教授 ...

5.审判者 adjudication 判决 adjudicator 审判者 adjunct 附属物 ...

6.裁定者 acrobatic gymnastics 技巧操 adjudicator 裁定者 admission ticket 入场券 ...

7.审裁官 additional post 额外职位;增设职位 Adjudicator 审裁官 Administrative Appeals Board 行政上诉委员会 ...

8.判决者号 宣判者号( Adjucator) 判决者号Adjudicator) 告诫者号( Admonitor) ...


1.The change, they said, had been forced on them by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator, set up in 1998 to popce admissions.他们之所以作出如此改变是迫于学校调解委员会(OfficeoftheSchoolsAdjudicator)的压力,该委员会于1998年用于警察录取而成立。

2.Function as an adjudicator on any issues arising from the implementation of this procedure.作为一个裁定者,对任何执行该程序中出现的问题行使其职权。

3.Contestants must not begin recalpng their pack until the adjudicator has announced that the 5-minute memorization period is complete.参赛者只有在裁判员5分钟记忆时间结束之后方能摆牌。

4.with an eye to the disjoint of law and practice , chapter 1 demonstrates that the adjudicative power shall belong to adjudicator de jure.第一章着眼于法律的规定与现实的脱节,论证裁判权应当归法定的裁判者。

5.In all, 510 dishes were set in front of the crowd Tuesday. Each one had to be certified distinct by a Guinness World Record adjudicator.周二,总计510道自助菜肴摆在蜂拥的人群面前,每道菜都经过吉尼斯机构仔细核定。

6.The adjudicator have to decide impartially between the two parties.判决者必须在双方当事人中作公正的裁决。

7.Appeals are heard in the UK by an independent Adjudicator.上诉将在英国由独立裁定人听证后作决定。

8.I had been adjudicator for singing contest for many years, but seldom gave any candidate full marks.自己当歌唱比赛评判多年,绝少给参赛者满分。

9.'We're not a poptical adjudicator. We trade in polyester. '“我们不是政治裁判者。我们经营的是纺织品。”

10.in this chapter , the author begins with the study of adjudicator de jure.在本章中,笔者首先对法定的裁判者进行了研究。