




1.伟大著作是学习频道(Learning Channel)的《伟大之书系列》(Great Books)〈孙子兵法〉单元的主要撰稿人。

5.好书传统,西方的人文教育也有这样的传统,有的大学就设“伟大的典籍( Great Books)”课程,要求学生熟读乃至背诵若干经典。

8.伟大经典在霍普金斯大学成立之前,美国大学讲授伟大经典(Great Books),例如苏格拉底,柏拉图,西方哲学、数学,如果你读遍了一 …


1.I'd pke a monthly article called "Great Books" -you know, someone reads a favorite work of pterature and writes an article about it.我喜欢一本月刊文章叫做《大书本》,你也知道,有些人喜欢阅读伟大的文学作品并作书评。

2.It is extremely satisfying to go back over the log after a couple of months to see all the great books you've read.这是极为满意地回去了几个月后,在日志中看到所有你阅读伟大的著作。

3.But the great books can be considered elementary in the sense that they treat the elements of any subject matter.名著探讨的是一切问题的基本道理;从这一意义上说,它们可视为初级课本。

4.The beginning, he saw the yard full of a great books neatly Chao Zhao sent his message when he suddenly had the first time I am touched.一开始,他看到满满一大本本子里整整齐齐地抄着他发来的信息时,突然有了第一次为我感动。

5.Recommendation engines are the enemy of serendipity and Great Books and the avant-garde.推荐引擎绝对与那些奇遇发现、伟大著作和前卫派们势不两立。

6.Among the great books of mankind are the immortal writings by the Greek philosopher Plato.在人类的知识宝库中,古希腊哲学家柏拉图写下了不朽的著作。

7.Many great books were written by people who were, at least at the time, going through a period of pain and suffering.很多人都写出了很伟大的书,至少在那种时期,他们正经历着痛苦和煎熬。

8.Stop Reading and Think - One fault of great books is that they have so many ideas you end up losing them trying to intake too much.读的时候停下来思考——在读好书的时候,你失败的原因之一可能是它们信息量很大而不能很快的接受。

9.Most of the world's great books are now available in Braille editions so that people who cannot see can at least read.今天,绝大多数世界名著都有盲人使用的布莱叶版,这样不能看的人至少还可以阅读。

10.John's is also known as the "Great Books" School.这就是为什么圣约翰学院也被称为“大书”。