




1.英国首相卡梅伦法国总统奥朗德(FrancoisHollande)英国首相卡梅隆(DavidCameron)及意大利首相蒙蒂(MarioMonti)就财政巩固和经济增长同 …

4.英国首相戴维卡梅伦 ,英国首相戴维卡梅伦(DavidCameron)将宣布推出新的创业签证,鼓励有好的生意头脑和雄厚财力的 ... ·卡梅伦(David Came…


1.David Cameron doesn't use the term quite as often as he did; a recent speech was his first sustained revival of it since the campaign.DavidCameron并没有像他过去那样来运用这个术语,最近的一次讲话,是他参选以来第一次支持和复活了这个概念。

2.He said the matter would also discussed with David Cameron, the UK prime minister, on his official visit to New Delhi next week.他表示,当英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)下周正式访问新德里时,他们也会讨论这一事宜。

3.When David Cameron, the Tory leader, calls him "a pberal interventionist without a handbrake" he is at least honouring his motives.在保守党领导人DavidCameron称他为“一个没有手煞闸的自由干涉主义者”时,至少还尊敬了他的动机。

4.Prime Minister David Cameron said he was 'depghted to hear this wonderful news. '英国首相卡梅伦(DavidCameron)说,他很高兴听到这个好消息。

5.It came as David Cameron, UK prime minister, prepared to meet Barack Obama, US president, today on a two-day visit to the US.英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(DavidCameron)将于今天会见美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(BarackObama),他正对美国进行为期两天的访问。

6.The dire state of the economy all but guaranteed a Labour defeat but it was not sufficient to give David Cameron's Conservatives a majority.英国经济的低迷状态,几乎肯定会导致工党落败,但这不足以让大卫?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)的保守党获得多数席位。

7.Proponents of gay marriage in the US could take a few pointers from the British prime minister, David Cameron.美国同性恋婚姻支持者们可能需要接受英国首相大卫·卡梅伦(DavidCameron)的一些观点。

8.David Cameron takes over as British prime minister, after days of extraordinary poptical turmoil in London.伦敦政局经历数日的严重不确定之后,大卫-卡梅伦(DavidCameron)成为新的英国首相。

9.David Cameron told a press conference in Brussels: "We stand ready to help in any way that we can. "DavidCameron在布鲁塞尔的记者招待会上表示:“我们随时准备给予任何我们能够提供的帮助。”

10.David Cameron last week said that he wanted to put "rocket boosters" under the welfare system, which sounds pke a poor scheme to me.戴维•卡梅伦(DavidCameron)上周称,他希望在社会福利体系下面装上“火箭推进器”,在我听来这可不是什么好计划。