




1.绿带运动挽救这些危机,温格莉发起一项完全由女性参与,名为「绿色地带运动」(Green Belt Movement)的全国植树计画。

5.绿带计画颁给一位鼓励大家种树的人,肯亚的马萨伊女士。她主持的绿带计画Green Belt Movement),最初也是由妇女在自家后院 …

6.全球绿腰带植树运动采取行动。在一九七七年的地球日,她种下了七棵树,发起了「绿腰带运动」(Green Belt Movement),这个乡村种树运动 …


1.Funeral arrangements were to be announced soon, the Green Belt Movement said.绿丝带行动组织表示,葬礼事宜将于近日公布。

2.In the late 1970s, Ms. Maathai began the Green Belt movement to help poor women in rural communities meet their most basic needs.70年代后期,马塔伊开始了“绿色地带运动”,帮助农村地区的贫困妇女满足最基本的需求。

3.In the first of two parts, Poppy Toland interviews Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and founder of the Green Belt Movement.诺贝尔和平奖获得者、绿带运动发起人旺加里•马塔伊女士接受了陶丽萍的采访。本文为采访稿的第一部分。

4.The Green Belt movement has planted milpons trees in Kenya and across Africa.“绿色地带运动”在肯尼亚和整个非洲种植了数千万棵树木。

5.Ms Maathai's organisation, the Green Belt Movement will outlast her.马塔伊发起的组织“绿带运动”将继续她的事业。

6.Her Green Belt Movement, which she founded in 1977, planted tens of milpons of trees.她1977年所创办的城市绿化带已经种植了成千上百的树。

7.Only 2% of Kenya is covered by forest, according to the Green Belt Movement led by 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai.绿带运动提供的数据显示,肯尼亚的森林覆盖率仅为2%。该组织由2004年诺贝尔和平奖得主WangariMaathai教授牵头创办。