




1.爱之食粮 The First Day of Winter 初冬的日子 The Food of Love 爱之食粮 The Graffiti Artist 涂鸦青年 ...

2.爱的食粮 ... 10.Da Vinci Code《 达芬奇密码》(已经有电影的。。) 11.The Food of Love爱的食粮》…

3.美食之爱有关美食的剧情光谍 -... ... 美食之爱(暂译) The Food of Love 墨西哥玉米饼汤(暂译) Tortilla Soup ...

4.爱情的食物〈爱情的食物("The Food of Love")〉。《中央日报》第15版 [全民英语专刊]。


1.Darcy: I thought poetry was the food of love. -Of a fine, stout love.我认为诗是爱的源泉-美好坚贞的爱情源泉。

2.I thought poetry was the food of love. - Of a fine, stout love.我想诗是爱情之花的露水-多美啊,如磐石的爱情

3."I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love, " said Darcy.“我却一贯认为,诗是爱情的食粮,”达西说。

4.Let me conclude my speech with the words of wisdom by Wilpam Shakespeare: if music be the food of love, play on.请容许我借用威廉莎士比亚的智慧之词来结束我的讲话:如果音乐是爱情之美食,那就让它演奏吧。

5.Not to mention the memories of games get wet heavy rain poured all your share of the wishes of the Food of Love III.不去提及那场淋湿了回忆的大雨,那份倾注了你全部心愿的三世情缘。

6.DARCY: I thought that poetry was the food of love.我却一贯认为,诗是爱情的食粮。

7.If music be the food of love, the Tastebuds is on to a good thing.如果音乐是爱的素材,那么Tastebuds就为这件好事带来了头绪。

8.But how did chocolate go from being the food of the gods to being the food of love?但巧克力是怎样从神的食品变成了爱情食品的呢?

9.Myth has it that oysters are the food of love. Science may agree.相传牡蛎是情爱之食,科学家对此表示认同。

10.Oysters. Myth has it that oysters are the food of love.牡蛎有传说提到牡蛎是爱的食物,这是有科学依据的。