




1.绿环 ... 010236 = PURPLE RING 紫色手镯 010237 = GREEN RING 绿色手镯 01020A = Freeze Barrier 寒冰盾 ...

3.大杓鹬绿色环 ... 肉粽角大杓鹬 Curlews 大杓鹬绿色环 Green ring 台湾受胁鸟种图监大杓鹬 Conservation Status of Curlew in Taiwan ...

4.绿戒 粉玫瑰 Pink Rose 绿戒 Green Ring 毒药红萝卜 Poison and Carrot ...


1.Before long, the green ring will disappear--it simply seems to fade into the white background.过不了多久,绿色的外环就消失了--似乎就像是褪入了白色的背景当中。

2.When you look away from the green ring, you see a red ring in the same part of your visual field.又比如当你把视线从绿环转移开时,你可以在你的视野的相同部分看见一个红环。

3.Central mutual INTERLINKED from left to right, the above is blue, black, red ring, Below are the yellow, green ring.环从左至右互相套接,上面是蓝、黑、红环,下面是黄、绿环。

4.The green ring structure near the center of the image is about 77 pght-years across.图片中间的绿色环状结构的跨度大概有77光年。

5.Sir Charles took the small, pale green ring from the demon's outstretched hand.查尔斯爵士从魔鬼伸出的手上摘下这枚小小的淡绿色的戒指。

6.Don't over cook your eggs, it can cause a green ring to appear around the egg yolk because of the iron and sulfur in the egg.煮鸡蛋时间不能过长,否则蛋黄周围会因为鸡蛋中的铁盒算产生一圈绿色的圆环。

7.See the node in the green ring, the color of "determin. . gibipgy" node in member1 is blue and in member2 is grey.查看绿色圆圈中的节点,“determin..gibipgy”的颜色在member1中为蓝色,在member2中为灰色。