




1.十美元 ... 38、多少草莓 how many strawberries 39、十美元 ten dollars 40、廉价出售的物品 the things on sal…

2.十元 请多指教 Hi,There! 罚十元 Ten Dollars 嗡嗡嗡 Bees ...

4.十块钱 ... Nine Joss-sticks. 九枝香 Ten Dollars. 十块钱 First. 第一名 ...

5.一次 ... 一次 Five. 一次 Ten dollars. 一次 Fifteen. ...


1.When the bank teller counted the money in her drawer, she came up ten dollars short.当银行出纳数她抽屉里的钱的时候,她发现少了十美元。

2.How much are these black pants? ? They're ten dollars.这些黑色短裤多少钱?

3.So I ordered the beers and the total came out to ten dollars, but I only had seven.所以我点了两杯啤酒,一共10元,但是我只有7块钱了。

4.So, I buy flowers are ready to pay only to find her mother has long been ten dollars I spent it all.于是,我正准备掏钱买花时,才发现妈妈给的十元钱早被我花了个精光。

5.Domonic had also pushed through a raise for Thomas of ten dollars and he was now getting forty-five dollars a week .由多米尼克促成,给托马斯增加十块钱工资,现在,他一星期挣四十五元。

6.I received that ten dollars from my uncle after I had walked the fields all day long chopping weeds out of the bean fields.但当时的豆田,你走在田间,手持大砍刀,把杂草割掉,这样做要做一整天。

7.The driver of the pulpng car said with a smile: "A pttle boy paid me ten dollars and send me to help you. He also sent you a note. "司机笑着对他说,有一个小孩给了我十块钱,要我开过来帮你,并且还写了一张纸条。

8.How much you make? - Ten dollars.搞了多少钱?-才十块

9.The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead? "这人掏出他的钱包,拿出十块钱,问道,“如果我给你这些钱,你会用来买啤酒吗?”

10.How much are these black pants? They are ten dollars.这条黑裤子多少钱?他们是十美元。