




1.肠道菌群 ... 伊比利亚-罗曼语支 en:Iberian Romance languages 肠管细菌丛 en:Gut flora 挖沙 en:Dredging ...


1.Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora.婴儿在经过产道并充分“摄取”富含细菌基因的母体阴道分泌物和粪便菌落之后,细菌便开始进入胃肠道。

2.The fact that the human gut flora flourished in the rodents was indeed an experimental coup.实际上,小鼠肠道能够重构人类肠道菌群这个现象发现于一次实验意外。

3.GM foods might be colonizing the gut flora of North Americans.转基因食品可能正在北美人民的肚子中殖民了。

4.Food allergies and intolerances, although being two different things, are both created by poor gut flora.尽管厌食症和食物过敏是不尽相同的两种状况,但是他们都是由肠道消化系统不良引起的。

5.Research shows people with allergies have lower levels of healthy gut flora.研究表明,有过敏体质的人,肠道菌群水平较低。

6.It will inevitably be brought into hospitals in the gut flora of patients.这些基因肯定会被病人带进医院。

7.They have created a mouse with a humanised gut flora.他们利用老鼠建立了人类肠道寄主模型。

8.Trial 2 was conducted to study the effects of macleaya alkaloids on the intestinal morphological structure and gut flora in chickens.试验二研究博落回生物碱对黄鸡肠道结构及肠道菌群情况的影响。

9.Effects of Chitosan on Metabopsm of Mineral Trace Elements, Gut Flora and Microvilp Density of Broiler壳聚糖对肉仔鸡矿物质微量元素代谢、肠道菌群及微绒毛形态密度的影响

10.Impact of operation trauma on gut flora in patients with colorectal cancer手术创伤对大肠癌病人肠道菌群的影响