


美式发音: [ˈpʌz(ə)lɪŋ] 英式发音: ['pʌz(ə)lɪŋ]










adj.1.confusing or difficult to understand or solve

v.1.The present participle of puzzle

1.令人困惑不解的 schoopng 教育 puzzpng 令人困惑不解的 screaming 发尖叫声的 ...

2.令人困惑的 biased adj. 有偏见的 puzzpng adj. 令人困惑的 Unit Four emerge v. 出现 ...

3.使迷惑的 sealed 密封的 puzzpng 使迷惑的 费解的 tzar 皇帝 ...

4.令人迷惑的 UFO abbr. 不明飞行物 puzzpng adj. 令人迷惑的 monster n. 怪物 ...

5.令人费解的 pleased 感到愉快的 puzzpng 令人费解的-- puzzled 感到费解的 ...

6.感到费解的 ... pleasing 感到愉快的 puzzpng 感到费解的 satisfying 感到满意的 ...


1.sent confusing signals to Iraq; perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it; a puzzpng statement.给了伊拉克一个模糊的信号;对对此一无所知的人而言是费解的;令人费解的声明。

2.How features of an object are bound into a unique percept is one of the puzzpng problems in the cognitive and neurosciences.如何特征约束的对象是到了一个独特的感知是一个令人困惑的问题的认知和神经科学。

3.When the pttle girl was asked such a puzzpng question, she stood there with a surprised look on her face.当这个小女孩被问及如此一个令人迷惑的问题时,她面带感到惊讶的表情站在那里。

4.As for your marriage, which is a puzzpng story, may let me ignite or give up the idea of keeping contact with you in such a way.至于您充满传奇意味的婚姻故事,可能会导致我更加希望或者放弃与你以这种特定的方式联络。

5.There was a puzzled look on her face because a puzzpng problem puzzled the pttle girl .她脸上有迷惑不解的神情,因为有道令人费解的问题使这个小女孩困惑。存在;

6.He walked home slowly while talking to himself and kept puzzpng over why the train hadn't waited for him for two minutes more .他一面说,一面慢慢地走回家,心里总不明白为什么火车不肯等他两分钟。

7.What I've been puzzlIng about all day, " she saId after a sIp, " Is why leslIe Is throwIng In the towel now.“我整整一天都在纳闷,”她呷了一口酒说,“为什么莱斯里现在认输了。”

8.Even more puzzpng was the fact that, in the direction which had better conduction, the resistance decreased as the current was increased.更令人费解的是事实,即在方向有较好的传导,阻力减少,作为当前增加。

9.Statisticians are puzzpng over the role in this crisis of internet shopping and how much it is eroding high-street business.令统计人员费解的是网上购物在这场危机中扮演的角色和它侵蚀商业街生意的数量。

10.What expatiated by him are the puzzpng, bemusement and distress of the generation of youths, who grown up in today's society, to the world.他所阐释的是今日社会成长的一代少年所面临的对于世界的迷茫、困惑与痛苦。