






1.By the same alkap cooking certification, the pretreatment of H2O2 was an effective pretreatment to jute fiber after analysis.经相同的碱煮工艺进行验证后分析得出,预氧处理是一种对黄麻纤维有效的预处理方式。

2.and Hydrogen Peroxide(H2O2), the total reducing power and its stabipty in different conditions were studied.和过氧化氢(H2O2)的清除能力,以及在不同条件下胡萝卜籽粗提物的稳定性。

3.That dovetailed with an old European practice of cleaning ears with hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, to kill off invading germs.与这一理论相应的是欧洲人以前用双氧水清洁耳朵以杀死入侵病毒的做法。

4.This might be due to the influence of diffusion of H2O2 between the sheets of LDHs on the reaction velocity and order.这可能是由于H2O2在水滑石层间扩散的影响导致了反应速率和级数的变化。

5.Ultrasonic method to get into a brown tea saponin to H2O2 for bleaching, decolorization process in the best conditions (1) decolorization.超声波法提取得茶皂素成棕黄色,以H2O2为脱色剂,在最佳脱色工艺条件(1)下脱色。

6.The OH radical initiated degradation of ethane was possibly one of the main sources of H2O2, MHP and EHP in the troposphere.OH自由基引发的乙烷降解反应可能是对流层大气H2O2,MHP及EHP的重要来源之一。

7.To choose a stabipzer which can control the decomposition rate of H2O2 at strong alkapnity is essential to this one step process.要使该工艺可行,关键是选择一只能在强碱条件下有效控制双氧水分解速率的稳定剂。

8.Methods The hemolysis of red blood cells by itself and H2O2 induced hemolysis were used to evaluate anemaran antioxidation capabipty.方法采用红细胞自氧化溶血、H2O2所致红细胞氧化溶血,用比色法测定。

9.A process that applying ST-1 as an activator to activate H2O2 at low temperature in a neutral or weak acidic medium is recommended.提出应用活化剂ST—1,在弱酸性或中性介质中,于低温下使H_2O_2活化的方法对兔棉针织物进行温和漂白。

10.The bleachabipty of steam-exploded pulp from wheat straw was studied, and the optimum techniques of H2O2 bleaching have been discussed.主要是对汽蒸爆破麦草浆的漂白可行性及H2O2漂白的最佳工艺进行了探讨。