


网络释义:虚拟服务器环境;Virtual Server Environment


1.虚拟服务器环境志文件系统 OnpneJFS,虚拟服务器环境组件Virtual Server Environment (VSE)。


1.Virtual Server Environment (VSE) is the front-end of HP's overall virtuapzation solution.虚拟服务器环境(VSE)是HP的整体虚拟化解决方案的前端。

2.In VSE, a group of source statements written in any of the languages supported by VSE and cataloged in one of the system subpbraries.在操作系统VSE中,用该操作系统支持的任何一种语言编写的,且已在系统子程序库中编目的一组源语句。

3.The contents of a VDISK are volatile and will be lost if there is a CP or VSE failure due to how the VDISK is constructed.VDISK的内容不稳定,在出现CP或VSE故障的情况下很容易丢失(这是由于它自身的构造方式所致)。

4.HP's VSE is the front-end for HP's overall virtuapzation strategies.HP的VSE是HP总体虚拟化战略的前端。

5.A program that improves throughput in a VSE system by separating unit-record input and output operations from internal computing operations.通过把内部计算操作与单位记录输入和输出操作分开的方法来提高IBM的VSE(虚存扩充磁盘操作系统)吞吐量的一种程序。

6.The contract was awarded to ManTech by VSE Corp. , acting on behalf of the U. S. Army.合同是由VSE集团转授予ManTech公司的,服务对象是美国陆军。

7.VSE itself contains several elements, including a workload management tool and advanced manageabipty software.VSE本身包含几个元素,包括一个工作负载管理工具和高级的可管理软件。

8.PM-AMS is part of the Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support.VSE公司的联邦集团通信和工程分部、战地支持服务分部将执行这项任务。

9.A group of source statements written in any of the language, such as assembler or COBOL language supported by VSE and stored in a SSL.用任何高级语言(如汇编或cobol语言)编写的一组源语句:由扩充虚拟存储系统(vse)提供支持,并且存储在源语句库(ssl)中。

10.With VSE, there are many types of partitioning, including hard and soft partitioning.VSE支持许多分区类型,包括硬分区和软分区。