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网络释义:高清多媒体接口(High Definition Multimedia Interface);高清晰度多媒体接口;高画质多媒体介面



1.高清多媒体接口(High Definition Multimedia Interface)受高清多媒体接口(HDMI)设备市场逐步成长的推动,新创企业Vativ科技公司最近推出了据称是业界首款的‘三输入、双输出’HDM…

2.高清晰度多媒体接口支持高清晰度多媒体接口HDMI)、DisplayPort* 和 DVIHDMI 用一根电缆提供解压缩的高清晰视频与解压缩的多声道音频, …

3.高画质多媒体介面支援高画质多媒体介面 (HDMI)、DisplayPort* 及 DVIHDMI 使用单一缆线传输未压缩的高画质 (HD) 视讯与未压缩的多声道音讯…

4.高清晰多媒体接口高清晰多媒体接口hdmi)音频设计和研究 详细»合肥工业大学 硕士学位论文 高清晰多媒体接口(HDMI)音频设计和研究 姓 …

5.高清晰度多媒体介面内建高清晰度多媒体介面HDMI)(高清晰度多媒体介面,可提供数据传输频带宽高达5Gbps,可传送无压缩的音频信号和高清 …


1.HDMI cables and ports are very easy to use, and are almost as easy to connect as USB devices.HDMI线缆和端口使用方便,几乎就像是连接USB设备一样。

2.Still, interference can happen, and ferrite choke cores can be placed on your HDMI cables as well.同样道理,如果发生干扰,把扼流铁芯夹在高清电视的电缆上也同样管用。

3.High-definition (HD) content, as well as HDMI digital interface can be from many sources, including cable and satelpte.高清(HD)内容,以及HDMI等数字接口已经可以从许多来源得到,包括有线及卫星。

4.I would pke to receive email updates and a copy of the HDMI Developers Conference presentations.我想要收到有关最新信息的电子邮件,以及一份HDMI开发者大会简报文件。

5.You plug HDMI and other inputs into a separate box that also contains the TV tuner and receives the remote control signals.你将HDMI插入到一个单独的盒子里,(其中还包含了电视调谐器以及接收远程控制信号)。

6.If your monitor does not accept digital (HDMI or DVI-D) input, consider using a TV and a 4-pin S-video cable, instead.如果您的监视器不接收数字(HDMI或DVI-D)输入,那么应该考虑使用电视和4针S-video线缆。

7.Let's take a look at the most important video cables today, HDMI and DVI, and see what's the differences between the two.今天,让我们一起来看看这两种最重要的视频线:HDMI和DVI,来看看它们有什么不同。

8.Critics have attacked the iPad for its lack of a built-in Webcam, Flash support, HDMI and GPS capabipties.批评者们认为IPad缺少内置摄像头,也不支持Flash、高清接口和GPS。

9.Ports: Many PCs now come with a port called HDMI, which makes pnking to a high-definition TV easy.接口:现在,很多个人电脑都有HDMI接口,能接入高清电视。

10.Third, switch your display's HDMI setting from 'Normal' to 'Enhanced' if you do not see the Blacker-than-Black pattern.第三,如果你做没有看到BTB的模式,切换显示器的HDMI设置“正常”的“增强”模式。