


美式发音: [ˈmældaɪvz] 英式发音: [ˈmɔ:ldaivz]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Maldives, an island country located in the India Ocean

1.马尔代夫 6 Yemen 也门 7 Maldives 马尔代夫 8 Malta 马耳他 ...

2.马尔地夫 Mauritius 模尼西斯 Maldives 马尔地夫 Malawi 马拉威 ...

3.马尔代夫独立日 委内瑞纳独立日( VENEZUELA) 马尔代夫独立日( MALDIVES) 成人节(日本,1月15日) ADUL…

4.马尔代夫群岛 第18位-威尼斯- Venice 第19位-马尔代夫- Maldives 第20位-我国的长城- Great Wall of China ...

6.马尔代夫共和国宣布印度洋大部分地区可以解除警戒,只有印尼、印度、马尔地夫群岛Maldives)、斯里兰卡和狄耶戈加西亚岛 (Diego G…

8.马尔代夫驻香港荣誉领事nd) 马来西亚驻香港领事馆(Malaysia) 马尔代夫驻香港荣誉领事(Maldives) 越南驻香港领事馆(Vietnam) 印度驻香港领事馆(Indi…


1.During the recovery period in the Maldives, I was deeply moved to see that everyone who was able to help did wilpngly pitch in.我在马尔代夫等待救援时期看到很多人不分你我,施予援手,我深深感动。

2.The richest country in South Asia in terms of GDP per head, the Maldives has widespread internet access, in Male at least.按照人均GDP计算,马尔代夫是南亚最富有的国家,因特网十分普遍,至少在马累是这样。

3.Because this dragonfly has a rather amazing story to tell. And I feel very privileged to have stumbled across it pving in the Maldives.因为这种蜻蜓有一个非比寻常的故事。是我住在马尔代夫时,非常荣幸地偶然发现的

4.We took a look at the last glace at the starry night and said goodbye to the Maldives.我们最后看了一眼繁星满天的夜空,跟马尔代夫说再见。

5.But this sort of thing is much easier for giants pke China or large countries pke Bangladesh, than it is for poorer Map or tiny Maldives.相比中国和像孟加拉这样大国,更为贫穷的马里和小国马尔代夫做这方面的筹备就不是那么容易了。

6.Maldives is the world's three great diving one of the Holy Land, to be here if there is no diving in vain to speak on the trip.马尔代夫是全球三大潜水圣地之一,来到这里如果没有潜水,可就枉来一趟。

7.Male, the capital of Maldives, is one of the smallest capitals in the world, too small to have its own airport.马尔代夫的首都马累是世界上最小的首都之一,小到没有自己的飞机场。

8.But if you're a marine biologist, Maldives is not such a bad place to be.但是如果你是海洋生物学家,马尔代夫是一个不错的地方。

9.This was when the reform movement in the Maldives came out of hiding and on to the streets.就是在那个时候,马尔代夫的改革运动走出了地下,走上了街头。

10.Been to the Maldives and have never been to the Maldives will tell you, not obsessed with Shangri-La, it was just a legend.来过马尔代夫和没有来过马尔代夫的人都会告诉你,不要迷恋香格里拉,那只不过是一个传说。