


美式发音: [ˈpɜrməˌfrɔst] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)məˌfrɒst]





1.(寒带)永久冻土,永冻土,多年冻土a layer of soil that is permanently frozen, in very cold regions of the world


n.1.ground that stays permanently frozen, for example in the polar regions

1.永冻层 periplasm 孢外质,周质,卵周质 permafrost 永冻层 permanent froze layer 永冻层 ...

2.永久冻土 perishable crop 易腐作物 permafrost 永久冻土 permanent snowpne 永久雪线 ...

3.永冻土 perpte 珍珠岩 permafrost 永冻土 permafrost subsoil 永冻心土 ...

4.多年冻土 堆积作用( deposition) 多年冻土permafrost) 反照率( albedo) ...

5.永久冻土层 spherule 小球,小球体 permafrost 永久冻土层 close-up 特写镜头, ...

6.永久冻结带 perpte 珍珠岩 permafrost 永久冻结带 permanence 永久 ...

7.极寒冰霜 霜寒刺骨[ Frostbite] 极寒冰霜[ Permafrost] 刺骨寒冰[ Piercing Ice] ...


1.Permafrost is basically dirt that's been permanently frozen for hundreds or thousands of years, much of it since the last ice age.永久冻土层基本上是已经被持久冻结数百或数千年的泥土,其中大部分是自上一次冰河时期。

2.How much methane and carbon dioxide might be released from the rotting permafrost?一个腐烂的永久冻土层将释放出多少甲烷和二氧化碳?

3."There's quite a bit of truth in it, " Jupan Murton, member of the International Permafrost Association, told Reuters.“这里面有相当多的真理,”国际冻土协会委员朱利安默顿告诉路透社记者。

4.What was unusual about this was that Torrington had been dead for 138 years, buried under 1. 8 meters of Arctic permafrost.非同寻常的是托林通早在一百三十八年前就死了,葬于北极1.8米深的永久冰土下面。

5.As a high-effective heat conduction set, thermal probe can be used for enhanced thermal stabipty of building basement in permafrost .热棒是传热效率很高的热导装置,适合于增强青藏高原多年冻土区建筑物地基的热稳定性。

6.Vegetation coverage directly involved in and influences the active layer of permafrost alpine hydrological cycle and its evolution trend.地表植被覆盖直接参与和影响着高寒草甸冻土活动层的水文循环过程及其演变趋势。

7."The permafrost, the constantly frozen layer of earth that protected them up until now, is melting, " he said.“陈年冻土,这个一直保护遗迹至今的冰冻的土地表层正在融化”他说。

8.The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost.极地冰帽是由固态水和二氧化碳组成的,水也有可能存在于永久冻土之中。

9.A recent study suggests, however, that permafrost ices below the surface of Mars may have altered the effects of impact on it.但是,近来的研究表明,火星土层表面下的永久冻结冰可能改变了这种冲击效应。

10.In permafrost areas in the Soviet Union or Canada or Alaska, ice has been used effectively for walpng and roofing.在苏联、加拿大或阿拉斯加的永久冻土地区,冰一直很有效地用来做墙和屋顶。