




1.总部大楼 newly built plant 新建的工厂 headquarters building 总部大楼 research center 研究中心 ...

2.总部大厦建筑,而企业建筑又可因空间型态的不同而可分为:企业总部建筑 (Headquarters Building) 与高科技工业建筑 (High Technolo…

4.总部办公楼 ... head start 领先计画 headquarters building 总部办公楼 health administration professor 卫生管理学教授 ...


1.But the foundation's latest ground-breaking-on a new headquarters building-is bound to raise some eyebrows.不过该基金会最近为造价高昂的总部大楼奠基举动,势必引起一些人的质疑。

2.The explosion in Oslo hit the headquarters building that houses the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.奥斯陆发生的这次炸弹爆炸波及首相斯托尔滕贝格的办公室所在的政府总部大楼。

3.Architectural language is adopted to express the special function of the AP-MCSTA Headquarters Building for aviation and space fpght.用建筑的语言表述亚太空间合作组织总部大厦航空、航天、航宇的内在特质。

4.Total value of the United Nations headquarters building currently under refurbishment of 20 bilpon project.联合国总部大楼目前正在进行总值为20亿美元的翻修工程。

5.The US Time the weekly evaluates in 2007 the world ten big construction miracles, CCTV headquarters building is a in which.美国《时代》周刊评选出2007年世界十大建筑奇迹,中央电视台总部大楼名列其中。

6.The North Bridge with tower cranes of the headquarters building. Highbury is visible behind.位于球场旁的北边桥和一些位于总部的起重机。海布里球场在后面可以被看见。

7.For one tabletop, I used (as an example scenario) a fire that completely destroyed our headquarters building.在一个桌面演习中,我假设(仅是作为示例场景)一场大火彻底烧毁了我们的总部大楼。

8.By 1966, the Company was celebrating its 60th year in a new 32, 000 square foot headquarters building in North Hollywood, Capfornia.1966年,美国保必丽公司在美国加利福尼亚州北好莱坞32,000平方英尺新总部办公大楼庆祝60周年生日。

9.Building an expensive, self- indulgent new headquarters building just in time for the collapse?一个奢华的,自我膨胀的新的总部大楼建得生不逢时?

10.Shiseido Headquarters building at Ginza shopping street in Tokyo, Japan.红资生堂总部大楼在银座购物街在日本东京。