


英文单词:面肌痉挛;分层文件系统(Hierarchical File System);高频刺激(high frequency stimulation)


1.面肌痉挛na under dynamic burden, high frequency stimulation (HFS) and increased additional compression, and to clarify the mecha...

4.偏侧面肌痉挛偏侧面肌痉挛HFS)是一种起病隐匿、进展缓慢、渐进性发展的疾病。初期,常始自一侧眼睑,主要是下眼睑;后发展至一 …

5.手足综合征(hand-foot syndrome)所谓手足综合征HFS)是化疗副反应的一种,酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(主要是舒尼替尼)亦可导致此并发症【27】。手足综合征 …


1.Any operating system which supports the HFS file system can be used to make changes to the configuration of the boot loader.任何支持HFS文件系统的操作系统可以用来改变启动引导器的配置文件。

2.Hand-and-foot syndrome (HFS) is one of the well-known adverse events associated with capecitabine, a prodrug of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).手和脚综合征(痉挛)是一种众所周知的不良事件与卡培他滨,一个药5氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)。

3.Objective To evaluate the long-term outcomes of treating hemifacial spasm (HFS) with microvascular decompression (MVD).目的评价微血管减压术(MVD)治疗面肌痉挛的远期疗效。

4.Conclusion MVD operation is an effective and safe treatment for HFS.结论MVD是面肌痉挛安全、有效的治疗方法。

5.Objective: To evaluate the MRI findings and diagnostic value of neurovascular compression in patients with hemifacial spasm(HFS).目的:探讨面肌痉挛患者神经血管压迫病因的MR表现及其诊断价值。

6.HFS Morgan's grandson, Charles Morgan, spoke of the car's elegance through minimalism.痉挛摩根的孙子查尔斯摩根,以汽车的优雅通过极简。

7.I returned the following summer with great expectations on making yet a third hfs after working with David in Ontario.我回到下面的夏天,极大的期望使尚未第三痉挛后,与大卫在安大略省。

8.HFS and HFS+, used on Macintoshes, can usually be shrunk and moved, but not grown. OS X's Disk Utility can sometimes grow HFS+ partitions.用在Macintoshes上的HFS和HFS+通常可以缩小和移动,但是不能增长,OSX的DiskUtility有时候可以使HFS+增长分区。

9.Dan now has the plastic domes and I have some of the magnets in my third hfs.丹现在已经有塑料圆顶和我有一些磁铁在我的第三痉挛。

10.The Drum, the Hinthorn device and the HFS wing build by Tracy .该鼓的Hinthorn设备和痉挛的右翼建设特雷西。