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英文单词:单模(single mode);智能媒体(Smart Media)


abbr.1.【化】(=samarium)2.〈外〉(=Scientiae Magister)理科硕士3.【军】(=Sergeant Major)军士长4.〈美〉(=Soldier's Medal)军人奖章(因作战以外的英勇事迹而被授予的奖章)5.(=strategic missile)战略导〔飞〕弹6.(=submarine minelayer)布雷潜水艇7.〈诗〉(=short metre)短韵律8.〈美〉(=Special Message)特别咨文9.(=square metre)平方米;平方公尺1.【化】(=samarium)2.〈外〉(=Scientiae Magister)理科硕士3.【军】(=Sergeant Major)军士长4.〈美〉(=Soldier's Medal)军人奖章(因作战以外的英勇事迹而被授予的奖章)5.(=strategic missile)战略导〔飞〕弹6.(=submarine minelayer)布雷潜水艇7.〈诗〉(=short metre)短韵律8.〈美〉(=Special Message)特别咨文9.(=square metre)平方米;平方公尺


abbr.1.[Chemistry](=samarium)2.<foreign>(=Scientiae Magister)3.[Military](=Sergeant Major)4.<AmE>(=Soldier's Medal)5.(=strategic missile)6.(=submarine minelayer)7.<poem>(=short metre)8.<AmE>(=Special Message)9.(=square metre)1.[Chemistry](=samarium)2.<foreign>(=Scientiae Magister)3.[Military](=Sergeant Major)4.<AmE>(=Soldier's Medal)5.(=strategic missile)6.(=submarine minelayer)7.<poem>(=short metre)8.<AmE>(=Special Message)9.(=square metre)

n.1.[Photography]Smart Media

1.单模(single mode)的单模SM)中等距离或DS3(45Mbps)的端口或基于 E3 标准的 ATM 接口。

2.智能媒体(Smart Media)SMSmart Media)卡是由东芝公司在1995年11月发布的Flash Memory存贮卡,三星公司在1996年购买了生产和销售许可, …


1.How do you know when your children are ready to discuss SM, and how do you do it?你怎么知道,什么时候你的小孩准备好了来讨论SM,还有,你该怎么(正确地)去做?

2.SM explains the kind of epidemiological pattern seen in cancer, and might have a comparable role in many other diseases.钐解释什么样的流行病学模式看待癌症,并可能有类似的作用,许多其他疾病。

3.He still lived in the sm island two-you ought to bed room house that head bought with my mother in the early days of their marriage.他还住在那套小小的两居室房子里,是他跟我妈妈在结婚之初买上去的。

4.As an adult, SM has been the victim of numerous crimes, but the only fearful experiences she could recall happened when she was a child.作为一个成年人,SM经历了很多灾难,但是她唯一能回忆起来使她感到恐惧的经历发生在她小时候。

5.SM: With the new additions to the cast each season, is there anything that you and the rest of the cast do to make them feel welcome?每一季都会有新人的加入,你和其他剧组演员有做些什么让她们觉得受到大家欢迎吗?

6.You wear a five-point harness, and the controls are a bit like a powerboat: you control the throttle with one hand, pitch with the other.你得穿五点式安全带(一种貌似SM器具的东西),控制器有点像机动船的:你一只手控制油门,另一只则控制方向杆。

7.First up is an S&M scene featuring a leather-clad woman and man tied to a chair wearing nothing but a kitchen apron and a gas mask.上来的第一段是一个SM场景——一位穿着皮衣的女子和一位只穿着厨房围裙、带着一只口罩外别无它着、被绑在椅子上的男子。

8.Although very easy to implement, this hybrid SM-PSO is an efficient way to locate global optima of continuous multimodal functions.算法实现简单,具有很高的可靠性,是一种求解多峰连续函数极值的有效方法。

9.She considered the haunted house to be "highly exciting and entertaining, " like the rush she gets from a roller coaster, Feinstein said.费因斯坦称,SM女士认为鬼屋之旅“令人十分兴奋和开心”,感觉像坐了一趟过山车一样。

10.The best identification was possible by concentrating on a sm aller im age of the centre of the joint rather th an the entire knee.最好的认证方法可能是专心于在关节中心连接点的图像研究,可比研究整块膝盖好多了。