


美式发音: [əkei] 英式发音: [ei]

英文单词:亚洲航空;卡拉什尼科夫;腺苷酸激酶(adenylate kinase)



1.亚洲航空 (AL) 亚拉巴马州 (AK) 阿拉斯加州 (AZ) 亚利桑那州 ...

5.阿米卡星(Amikacin)  3.7 阿米卡星AK) 与卡那霉素(KM)同属,但其杀菌活性高,而毒副反应稍低于KM,目前有逐渐取代AK抗结核的倾向,主 …


1.And there were a few more exchanges of gunfire, him shooting at me with an AK and us shooting back with firecrackers.枪声更密集了,他们用AK步枪朝我们射击,我们使用爆竹回敬他们。

2.Kalashnikov's design won a state competition in 1947 (thus the name AK-47) and went into mass production two years later.卡拉什尼科夫中士的设计构思在1947年官方竞争中获胜(Ak-47从此问世),两年后开始大规模生产。

3.The Hutt was impressed with Ak-rev's tenacity, and hired him on as one of his many bodyguards.贾巴对阿克—雷夫的顽强很满意,遂雇佣他为贴身保镖。

4.He said as the political party in power, the AK Party is acting with an understanding of its duties and obligations.他说,正义与发展党作为执政党,在采取行动时考虑到自己的职责与义务。

5.It was an impressive victory for Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development (AK) party. What will he do with it?这是雷杰甫·塔伊甫·埃尔多安执政的正义与发展(AK)党令人印象深刻的胜利。在获得胜利的情况下,他将做些什么呢?

6.Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle, along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition clips.士兵在车内发现了名身穿防弹夹克的男子,以及一支AK-47步枪和三个弹夹。

7.When you open AK Notepad, you'll see that there is a button on the top to allow you to hop directly in to taking a new note.打开AK记事本,你会看到上面有一个按钮,点它,你可以直接写下新的笔记。

8.Sunday's result signals continued support for AK in the run-up to nationwide parliamentary elections that must be held by next June.周日出炉的公投结果表明,正发党在备战明年7月议会选举的道路上将继续获得民众支持。

9.The AK party is all but certain to form the next government.几乎可以肯定AK党将组建下届政府。

10.Plenty of Turks, including some in AK, are starting to say that it does not matter.许多土耳其人,包括某些正义与发展党人,开始声称欧盟不算什么。