





2.朱砂以硫化汞朱砂以硫化汞(HgS)计,应为50~55mg。 功能与主治 散风化痰。

3.含硫化汞朱砂主要含硫化汞HgS),中医药理认为性甘,微寒,有小毒,归心经。主要功效清心镇惊,安神解毒,用于心悸易惊,失 …

4.朱砂主含硫化汞但因朱砂主含硫化汞(HgS),不溶于水,且不能煎煮加热,如经加热,易析出Hg,产生毒性。故朱茯苓只宜作丸散剂服用,不宜 …

5.朱砂含硫化汞药典规定朱砂用滴定法测定,朱砂含硫化汞(Hgs)不得少于朱砂中硫化汞含量测定采用药典规定雄黄以滴定法测定,含砷量以二 …

6.朱砂是硫化汞辰砂又称朱砂是硫化汞HgS)的天然矿石,大红色,但常夹杂 雄黄、磷灰石、沥青质等。辰砂有解毒防腐作用;外用能抑制 …


1.The HGS then displays telemetry to the pilot over the HUD (more on that later) to help him land.接着HGS会将遥测数据在HUD(稍后再解释)上为飞行员显示出来,以助其着陆。

2.Formerly HGS's Midwest technical graphics advisor, Mike Huey has been promoted to the technical graphics manager of the western division.原硫化汞的中西部地区的技术图形顾问,麦克休伊已晋升为技术经理的图形西部分工。

3.Once he's entered all the data, the HGS can then help guide him down to a landing.所有数据输入完毕后,HGS就可以协助引导飞行员操纵飞机下降并着陆。

4.Past studies have connected HGS to various measures of physical condition, including bone density and longevity.之前的研究将HGS与不同的生理条件指标联系在一起,其中包括骨骼密度和寿命。

5.To the right of the pilot's intercom controls is the HGS (heading guidance system) controls.正驾驶对讲机面板的右方是HGS(headingguidancesystem,航向导引系统)控制面板。

6.The HGS series environmental-protecting sand dry equipments is the patented product of my company, patent number is: 200420050881.HGS系列环保型干砂设备是我公司的专利产品,专利号为:200420050881.

7.The pilot uses this panel to input information into the HGS.飞行员在这里向HGS中输入信息。

8.Methods The cpnical, radiographic and histologic features of 5 cases with PERI and 4 cases with HGS were reviewed.方法回顾5例骨膜骨肉瘤和4例高度恶性表面骨肉瘤患者的影像学和病理学特点,并对临床治疗结果进行分析。

9.Controlled Synthesis of HgS Nanocrystals with Artificial Active Membrane as Template人工活性膜为模板控制合成硫化汞纳米晶