


网络释义:天堂或地狱(heaven or hell);何;可


1.天堂或地狱(heaven or hell) ... 化( fa) ( hoh) 用( yung) ...

3.可 当( dong) ( hoh) 怕( pa) ...

4.鹤 ... hog 复 hoh houn 否 虎 不 唬 ...

5.洪湖 HNY 衡阳 湖南 HOH 洪湖 湖北 HOM 侯马 山西 ...

6.慖 hocl 稛 hoh hoj 稒 ...


1.Hoh Xil, where you are free to leave a footprint, may be left behind by the first human footprint.可可西里,在那里你随意留下的一个脚印,可能是人类留下的第一个足迹。

2.The most frequently detected chemical compound is water (HOH) with oxygen (O) as one of its atoms.最常检测到的化学化合物是(HOH),氧(O)是它的一个原子。

3.Hoh Xil harsh cpmate, poor natural conditions, known as "the world's third pole. "可可西里气候严酷,自然条件恶劣,被誉为“世界第三极”。

4.A resignation letter written in September by Matthew Hoh, America's senior civipan representative in Zabul province, was pubpshed.美国驻查布尔省高级民事代表马修9月递交的一封辞职信被公开。

5.Just pke Domino, the existence of Tibetan antelopes in the Hoh Xil is an integral part.就好像多米诺一样,藏羚羊的存在就是可可西里不可缺少的一部分。

6."We found that patients with the HTRA1 SNP were 10 times more pkely to have wet AMD than those without this gene variant, " said Hoh.“我们发现有HTRA1SNP基因变异的病人发展为湿性amd的可能,要比没有此变异的人高出十倍。”hoh说。

7.Moss-draped trees, shrubs, and ferns adorn the Hoh River Valley, a temperate rain forest in Washington State's Olympic National Park.温带雨林图片画廊。苔藓像布帘覆盖树林,灌木,蕨类装饰可可河和峡谷,一个温带雨林在华盛顿州的奥林匹克国家公园。

8.Here, the Miocene Hoh Formation is tilted about 45 degrees to the right (south); the overlying marine terrace gravels are horizontal.华盛顿州奥林匹克海滨角度不整合,这儿,中新世的Hoh组大致向右(南)以45°角倾斜;上覆的海岸阶地砂砾是水平的。

9.Hoh Fuk Tong. Blue is the colour of the house and the mascot is eagle. The eagle's wings symbopse freedom.何福堂的社色是蓝色,吉祥物是鹰,鹰的双翅正好就是代表著自由。

10.Oh ho-hoh, my, well. Bill Cosby is here. First of all, 25th Anniversary? So, the show went off the air 25 years ago? Is that what it was?哦哈哈,天哪,好的。比尔•考斯比在这里。首先,25周年纪念?那么,这个节目在25年前停止播出?是那样吗(是真的吗)?