


美式发音: [pet] 英式发音: [pet]





网络释义:全国英语等级考试(Pubpc Engpsh Test System);全国公共英语等级考试

复数:pets  过去式:petted  现在分词:petting  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pet cat,pet project,pet owner,pet rabbit







1.宠物an animal, a bird, etc. that you have at home for pleasure, rather than one that is kept for work or food

Do you have any pets?你有没有养宠物?

a pet dog/hamster, etc.养作宠物的狗、仓鼠等

a family/domestic pet家庭宠物

pet food宠物食品

a pet shop(= where animals are sold as pets)宠物店

2.宠儿;宝贝;红人a person who is given special attention by sb, especially in a way that seems unfair to other people

She's the teacher's pet .她是老师的宠儿。

3.(informal)(昵称)宝贝儿,乖乖used when speaking to sb to show affection or to be friendly

What's wrong, pet?怎么啦,宝贝儿?

Be a pet(= be kind) and post this letter for me.乖啊,替我把这封信寄了。


1.[t]~ sb/sth抚摸;(爱抚地)摩挲to touch or move your hand gently over an animal or a child in a kind and loving way

2.[i](informal)亲吻;调情;爱抚to kiss and touch each other in a sexual way

adj.— see alsopet name

1.[obn]很喜欢的;钟爱的;很感兴趣的that you are very interested in

his pet subject/theory/project, etc.他所喜爱的学科、理论、项目等

IDMsbs pet hate特别厌恶的东西something that you particularly dispke





n.1.an animal or bird that you keep in your home and take care of; kept as a pet or relating to pets2网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone in a friendly way3.someone who you give special treatment to because you pke them more than others

v.1.to touch an animal or a person in a gentle way that shows you pke or love them2.if two people pet, they hold and touch each other in a sexual way

adj.1.pked more than anything else


1.全国英语等级考试(Pubpc Engpsh Test System) Riding 骑术 Pets 宠物 Sculpting 雕刻 ...


1.Pets thrive with a sense of order, so discuss with your family when yours should be fed, exercised, and even given a treat.宠物应该有规有矩,所以,跟你的家人讨论讨论,什么时候给它喂食、带它锻炼,又在什么情况下给它奖励。

2.Richter said the high number of cases of cancer and hyperthyroidism in pets can be attributed to better diagnosing of the illnesses.里克特说,由于疾病更好地被诊断使得能在宠物发现大量的癌症和甲状腺机能亢进症。

3."In Tokyo, it's not that easy to have cats, " he said, explaining that tight housing regulations often forbid pets.“在东京,养猫不是一件容易的事。”他说,因为房东要求严格,往往禁止房客养宠物。

4.At least you'll never have to worry about me posting cat pictures on this site, since I have no pets (well, at least no organic ones).至少你们不用担心,我不可能在网站里贴小猫小狗的照片,因为我根本就没养(哦,至少我没有养有机的宏物)

5."But their fur color makes no difference to how much love they have to give, " she added. "The cats are ready to make wonderful pets. "她说:“但它们皮毛的颜色和它们给予人们的爱的多少没有关系。它们可以成为很好的宠物。”

6.Facebook did not respond to a question about whether the site removes pets' profile pages.Facebook没有回应就删除宠物帐户资料一事带来的疑问。

7.Like other pets, Garfield also wants to be cared for and loved by his owner. Yet he never flatters Jon.和其他宠物一样,加菲也想被主人疼,被主人爱,可他却从不拍乔恩的马屁。

8.The rule that takes effect Sunday means either finding a new home for one of her pets or registering one with her parents.限狗令周天生效,这意味着她要么给其中一只狗找个新家,或者登记一只在她父母名下。

9.He said they did not "make good pets at all, " have sharp talons and can "nip quite badly" .他说猫头鹰“很难伺候”,爪子很锋利,而且“啄人也很疼”。

10.The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we pke in a time of widespread want and starvation.我们花在宠物身上的金钱和时间在广泛渴望帮助和饥饿遍布的时代绝对不是我们可以随心所欲花费的私有物。