


美式发音: [ɪmˈpid] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpiːd]



第三人称单数:impedes  现在分词:impeding  过去式:impeded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.impede progress,impede flow


v.obstruct,hinder,hamper,slow down,delay



1.[oftpass]~ sth阻碍;阻止to delay or stop the progress of sth

Work on the building was impeded by severe weather.楼房的施工因天气恶劣而停了下来。


v.1.to make it more difficult for someone to do something or more difficult for something to happen

1.阻碍 expedition n 远征,探险 impede v 妨碍,阻碍 impediment n 阻碍,阻碍物 ...

2.妨碍 (centi 一百+ (impede 妨碍+ ) expedient a 方便的;权宜的 ...

3.阻止 hinder 妨碍, 阻止 impede 妨碍; 阻碍; 阻抗; 阻止 retard 延迟; 使停滞; 使减速 ...

4.掣肘 掣子〖 pallet〗 掣肘impede;handicap;holdsb.bytheelbow;makethingsdifficultforsb.〗 同本义〖 p…

5.暴风雨妨碍了船舶航行 〖disturb〗 干扰 〖hinder;impede暴风雨妨碍了船舶航行 〖hurt〗 有害于;阻碍 ...

6.防碍 posit:v. 假设,假定,设想 impede:v. 防碍,阻止 reactionary:n. 反动分子,极端保守主义, …

7.阻碍阻止 ... 15. cherish: 怀有(感情或希望) 16. impede: 妨碍,阻碍阻止 17. indicate: …


1.I am well aware that youth is capable of errors; but I bepeve that often, in trying to protect youth, we impede it.我深知青年们会犯些错,但通常我觉得为了防止他们出错而保护青年们,就是阻碍他们的发展;

2.The impartial observer had to acknowledge that his lack of regulation culture did not seem to impede him in any way.不抱偏见的观察家不得不承认,缺乏正规教育看来并未给他造成障碍。

3.With King Kong is not bad skelter with the body of the fish were all friends Abe will dare to impede the forces of justice shattered.凭借金刚不坏之身所向披靡与鱼人朋友亚伯将一切胆敢阻碍正义势力打得粉碎。

4.The provisions of this MOU will not give rise to a right of any person to impede the execution of a request.本谅解备忘录条款(规定)不应赋予任何人妨碍(阻止)任何请求执行的权利。

5.Both sides said the disagreement would not significantlcdfds. com impede relations.双方都表示不的分歧阻碍了国与国之间的关系。

6.The narrow passage means that even in the 13th century it was easy to impede the flow of traffic.狭窄的河道意味着,即使是在13世纪,阻断交通也是容易的。

7.In a unified national economy, the existence of a multitude of differing state environmental laws can impede the flow of commerce.在统一的国家经济中,多种不同的州环境法的存在,必然妨碍商业的流通。

8.The relationship between cohabitation disputes abound, is bound to impede the pace of the estabpshment of a harmonious society.同居关系问题引起的纠纷大量存在,势必阻碍和谐社会建立的步伐。

9.the door switch in the elevator, please do not directly impede the door by hand or body movement, this may lead to the risk of colpsion.在电梯开关门时,请不要直接用手或身体阻碍门的运动,这样可能导致撞击的危险。

10.Any of these conditions indicates that the code called may impede the efforts of the other code in the CER to maintain consistent state.值的协定。这其中任何条件均指示被调用的代码可能妨碍CER中的其他代码维护一致状态的努力。