




1.本田制锁日本本田制锁HONDA LOCK)项目落户武汉吴家山台商工业园区【页面纠错】【关闭窗口】 ---省(市)政府--- 北京 上海 天津 …

2.本田制锁公司位于中国广东中山的本田制锁公司Honda Lock)的工人们在上周的罢工期间用手机拍摄照片。许多照片被贴到了互联网上。

3.固力本田制锁有限公司  广东固力本田制锁有限公司Honda Lock)对该公司罢工工人的态度有好转的迹象,劳资双方料今天料能达成共识。该公司的 …


1.Honda said it was not clear when the latest industrial action would be resolved, adding that employees and Honda Lock were in discussions.本田表示,尚不清楚本田制锁的罢工能否平息,但补充说该工厂的工人和管理层正在进行谈判。

2.When Honda Lock launched a recruiting drive to put pressure on the strikers, he spotted yet another opportunity.当本田制锁为了向罢工工人施压而开始招聘人手时,他发现了又一个良机。

3.She was determined to follow them if Honda Lock's wage offer, which was then pending, was not to her pking.她之前打算,要是本田制锁加薪方案(当时还未确定)不合她意,她就跟着回老家。

4.The Honda Lock workers here await the results of a government-led negotiation for higher wages and better working conditions.本田制锁的工人们在这里期待由政府引导的关于提高工资和改善工作环境的谈判结果。

5.But for Zhou Shuheng and most workers at Honda Lock, none of this apppes.但是,这些对周述恒和本田制锁的多数工人来说都难以企及。

6.However, for Honda Lock employees the ubiquitous job postings are also grating reminders of their lowly position in the social hierarchy.然而,贴得到处都是的招工广告,在本田制锁的工人们看来未免刺眼,让他们感到自己的社会地位是多么低下。

7.At the Honda lock factory, workers say managers have asked each department to elect a representative to participate in talks.在本田制锁工厂,工人们说管理人员要每个部门选出一位代表参加谈判。

8.And armed with desktop computers, they uploaded video of Honda Lock's security guards roughing up employees.他们通过笔记本电脑上传本田保全人员粗暴对待雇员的视频。

9.The 1, 700 workers who went on strike at the Honda Lock auto parts factory here are mostly poor migrants with middle-school educations.本田制锁汽车零件部的1,700名继续罢工的员工大部分是只有中学学历的贫穷移民。

10.Before the recent strike at Honda Lock, base pay for junior factory workers was just Rmb930 ($136) a month.广东固力本田制锁有限公司最近的罢工事件之前,低级工人的基本工资仅为每月人民币930元(合136美元)。