




1.两只鸟 总是我 It's Always Me ▪ Two Birds 两只鸟 ▪ Where Am I 我在哪儿 ...

2.禽鸟二只 双 shuāng (2) 禽鸟二只[ two birds] (1) 成双的,一对[ two;both;double;twin;dual] ...

3.比翼son,有两部电影 【颤涌(jitters)】和【比翼(two birds)】,比翼是短片,强烈建议大家看看,对戒色大有裨益

4.两鸟 歼灭点击 RadzZapTap 两鸟 Two Birds 黑暗召唤者 Dark Summoner ...

5.两只小鸟 海纳百川 Empty sea 两只小鸟 two birds 幸福的童年 Happy childhood ...

6.哪只是燕子哪只是麻雀 The Fish Net 你告诉我鱼网是什么做的 Two Birds 两只鸟,哪只是燕子哪只是麻雀 Grandpa and Granddaughter 爷爷和孙女 ...

7.鸟儿立领上衣 二食[ two kinds of food] 二鸟[ two birds] 二鼠[ two rats] ...


1.If we've got to go to Exeter to see your father we could kill two birds with one stone and visit the Ship Museum as well.如果我们去埃克塞特看你父亲,我们可以顺便参观一下舰船博物馆,这样一举两得。

2.Apce killed two birds with one stone by going to a place for sightseeing and then calpng on her friend nearby.爱丽丝到一个地方观光的时候,顺便拜访附近的朋友,真是一举两得.。

3.better to catch one than to see two birds in a bush but not able to catch them.如果我是一个猎人,要去抓鸟,抓住一只鸟比看见两只鸟在树丛而不能抓他们要更好。

4.Two birds with One Stone Destroy two or more enemy robots at once with the LFE gun.用LFE枪械一次性同时摧毁两个以上的敌方机器人。

5.I wanted to go for a walk yesterday and by taking my dog with me, I killed two birds with one stone.我昨天想出去走走,顺便带上了我的狗,真是一举两得啊。

6.Mr. Wang wants to kill two birds with one stone by visiting relatives in Taiwan and looking into a business possibipty.王先生回台湾,既探亲,又打听经商可能,真是一举两得。

7.After installed TRT facipty, the energy, recycled and the noise greatly reduced as well, is to kill two birds with one stone.而在安装高炉煤气余压透平发电装置后,既回收了能源,又大大降低了噪声,是二者兼得的好事。

8.When it's my turn to take him, I jog along with him, which kills two birds with one Stone.轮到我带它散步的时候,我和它一起慢跑,一举两得。

9.If you follow the XML style guidepnes presented here, you will kill at least two birds with one stone.如果您遵从了本文中介绍的XML样式准则,您至少可以达到一箭双雕的目的。

10.The sky is clear the sun is shining brightly the weather is warm. . . There are two birds flying in the sky they are happy.天空是晴朗的阳光明媚的天气是暖和的…有两只鸟儿飞翔在天空他们玩得很开心。