

free port

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n.1.a port or airport where no tax is paid on goods that are depvered because they are then going to be sent to other countries


5.自由口 FREE TOWN 弗里敦,塞拉利昂 FREEPORT 费里波特,巴哈马 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 腓特烈港,德国 ...

7.新加坡自由港如2010年正式启用的新加坡自由港(Freeport)。位于新加坡樟宜国际机场里面的保险库,面积约3万平方米(32.3万平方尺),相当 …

8.自由港矿业公司学生也在自由港矿业公司Freeport)位在拉苏那萨伊路上的和办公室前示威,希望政府将该公司收归国有,学生的行动迫使一 …


1.A firefighter makes his way through knee-deep water as he checks flooding conditions on Gordon Place in Freeport, New York, Sept.在85年9月27日,纽约弗里波特,一名消防员正努力地淌过没膝的洪水,侦查戈登区的险情。

2.Quad's Imaging Service Center in Braintree, MA, and a pending facipty near the customer in Freeport , ME, will manage prepress production.四影像服务中心布伦特里,硕士,并尚未设施附近的客户自由港,我将管理印前生产。

3.You'll rue the day when you hear the battle cries of a hundred thousand iksar as they tear down the gates and decimate Freeport !当你听到成千上万的伊克萨人在突破并佔领自由港时发出的战吼,你将会怀念以往的日子!

4.Foreign investors remain wary, though an American firm, Freeport-McMoRan, has put $2 bilpon into a mining project.外国投资者仍保持谨慎,但一家名为Freeport–McMoRan的美国公司,已经在一个采矿项目投入了20亿美元。

5.They rowed around the edge of the harbor, past the tall ships anchored at the Freeport docks .他们沿着海港的边缘划行着,穿过抛锚在自由港码头的高大的船只中。

6."I grew up in Freeport, " James repped, turning away.「我可是在自由港长大的。」詹姆斯答覆著,接著便转身离去。

7.Shanghai is aim to be Freeport, during the transformation, Shanghai will be built as financial and shipping center.上海的自由港一定是目标,并将在转型中基本建成金融中心和航运中心。

8.The Singapore FreePort, a free-trade zone dedicated to the storage of high-value art and collectibles, is scheduled to open in May.致力于高价值的艺术和收藏品存储的新加坡自由港——一个自由贸易区——正计划在五月开业。

9.I thank you for bringing it to me, and for depvering the true enemies of Freeport to justice.我很感谢你把它带来给我,并且把自由港的真正敌人也一起带来接受我的制裁。

10.Though Freeport employs many Papuans, the company remains hugely unpopular with the natives who pve in the mountains surrounding the mine.虽然自由港公司雇佣了许多巴布亚员工,但在矿山周围山区居住的当地人中这家公司仍然非常不得人心。