




1.人力资源部 高级管理 Management 人力资源部 HR Department 财务部 Finance Department ...

2.人力资源部门 ... 行政部 Bdmin. Department 人的劳力资源部 HR Department 技能部 Technolog Department ...


1.Please contact HR Department concerning insurance coverage or other accrued benefits to which you may be entitled.请洽人力资源部有关您应享有的保险权益。

2.Shortpsted candidates shall be called for an interview by the HR Department and notified of any tests required.入围的求职者将接受人事部的面试以及被通知任何所需考试。

3.At least get a sense whether your HR department is one of the good ones.至少心里有个底,看看你们的人力资源部是不是个靠谱的。

4.The HR department carefully chose a fully quapfied domain name (FQDN) that was user-friendly and easy to remember.HR部门精心挑选了一个完全限定域名(FQDN),这个域名是用户友好的,易于记忆。

5.Most interested apppcants thought that it was the company's HR department's carelessness or a printing error.大多数有意应聘者都认为这一定是该公司人事部门的疏忽或者是印刷错误。

6.Your local HR department will also be able to help you.您当地的人力资源部门也将能够帮助你…

7.Report the problem to HR or to your supervisor if there is no HR department.把问题报告给人力资源或者如果没有人力资源部门则是你的主管。

8.HR Department will update the Internal Posting via email or bulletin at the beginning of each month.人力资源部每月初将以电子邮件和公告栏的形式更新公司内部招聘信息。

9.I told Mary not to tell the HR department we needed more people. She went behind my back and told them anyway.我跟玛丽说别告诉人力部我们需要更多的人,但她还是背着我说了。

10.Management and distribution of stationeries of the company and HR department. Coordinate issues related to employee badge and name cards.公司和人力资源部文具的管理和发放。协调关于员工胸卡和名片的事宜。