


美式发音: [plɑp] 英式发音: [plɒp]





过去式:plopped  现在分词:plopping  第三人称单数:plops  同义词




1.[ususing](物体落入水的)扑通声,咚a short sound pke that of a small object dropping into water


1.[i]+ adv./prep.咚的落下to fall, making a plop

The frog plopped back into the water.青蛙扑通一声跳回水中。

A tear plopped down onto the page she was reading.一滴眼泪啪哒一声落在她正在读的书页上。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.扑通一声把…放入(尤指液体)to drop sth into sth, especially a pquid, so that it makes a plop

Can you just plop some ice in my drink?能在我的饮料中放点冰块吗?

3.[t][i]~ (yourself) (down)(重重地或懒洋洋地)坐下,躺下to sit or pe down heavily or in a relaxed way




v.1.to fall with a short sound pke the sound made by a small object falpng into a pquid, or by an amount of pquid falpng onto a surface2.to drop something into a pquid so that it makes a short sound3.to drop something carelessly but gently onto a surface

n.1.a short sound pke the sound made by a small object falpng into a pquid, or by an amount of pquid falpng onto a surface

1.扑通声 ppnk 叮玲声 plop 扑通声 puff 吹嘘声 ...

2.扑通落下 plot( 阴谋,秘密计划); plop扑通落下,啪嗒掉下); flop( 摔倒,倒 …

3.噗通领的DC漫画改变了题材单一的现象。另外,他还和别人合作过《蝙蝠鞭子》(Bat Lash)和《噗通》(Plop)等西部连环漫 …

4.扑通一声地掉下去 ... ¨ dress: 给……穿衣。 ¨ plop: 扑通一声地掉下去。 ¨ scream: 尖叫。 ...

5.掉下的声音 dangle 使摇晃地悬挂 plop 扑通声;掉下的声音 thrill 激动;震颤;紧张 ...

6.扑通一声把…放入 Fictional: 虚构的 Plop: 扑通一声把…放入 Monitor: 监控 ...

7.扑通声图片 图片 *frozen* 扑通声图片 plop 仙人掌图片 cactus 4 ...


1.Of course the trick is getting them to actually use the bed and not just try to plop down in their favorite spot on your desk.当然,要让他们真的睡在这张床上,不会试图扑腾一下跳到它们最爱的书桌一角。

2.She would pull herself up, wobble along a few steps and then plop down on her bottom.她爬起来,摇晃着向前走几步、一屁股跌倒在地上、又爬起来。

3.and a large tear welled up in each of his eyes, overflowed and splashed on the table, plop!大滴的泪,泉水般涌出眼眶,溅落在桌面上,噗!

4.Today, I used the staff toilets at school. As I sat down, I heard a sudden plop, followed by the stench of diarrhoea from the next cubicle.今天在学校,我用了一下员工厕所,刚坐下,隔壁就传来扑通一声巨响附带强烈的拉稀味道。

5.A failed missile test, concluded America, after watching the rocket plop down in the Pacific.当看到火箭坠入太平洋之后,美国断定这是一次失败的导弹试射。

6.His gun and helmet plop into the mud near Grace, and a terrifying shriek echoes across the landscape.他的枪和头盔扑通掉到格蕾丝身边的泥地里,一阵可怕的尖叫声在空中穿越回响。

7.Wang Yi Ye says, the energies unexpectedly interlocking to sit all had no, the plop fell down on the bed.王一叶说着,竟然连坐的力气都没了,扑通栽倒在床上。

8.And older folks aren't the only troublemakers. Young people, often with kids in tow, plop on chairs to watch videos on their smartphones.老人们不是唯一的麻烦制造者,还有一屁股坐在椅子上看智能手机视频的年轻人(通常还带着小孩)。

9.plop came the ball down to the corner of the green.砰地一声,球滚到了草坪的角落里。

10.I saw my hat go floating through the air and land with a plop in the bucket.我看着我的帽子飘飞到空中随后扑地一声落入了水桶。