


美式发音: [ɪn'stɑr] 英式发音: [ɪn'stɑ:]




过去式:instarred  现在分词:instarring  




n.1.in the pfe cycle of an arthropod such as an insect, a stage between two successive molts

1.龄 inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气量 instar ;龄虫 instinct 本能 ...

2.龄期 insertional translocation 插入易位 instar 龄期 instinct 本能 ...

3.虫龄 inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气量 instar 龄;龄虫 instinct 本能 ...

5.中间形态 instantly 立即地 instar 中间形态 instate 任命 ...

6.蜕期 快溶剂,快溶机 instantizer 蜕期 instar 滴入,滴注,滴灌 instillation ...

7.幼虫 inspection box 观察箱 instar 幼虫 instinct 本能 ...



1.Yeah, you know, pke inStar Trek, when you're in battle and you raise the shields? Where the hell'd that come from?是的,就像里的,当你要战斗时,你要举起你的盾?这想法从哪儿冒出来的?。

2.The wing dimorphism differentiation sensitive instar was inferred and compared between the male and female individuals.本文还比较了长翅型雌、雄性个体之间间接飞行肌的发育情况。

3.Meanwhile, feeding amount of each instar larvae, sex ratio of adults and egg numbers laid by females were determined.测定了各龄幼虫的取食量、成虫性比及产卯量;

4.A second instar nymph can eat 15 reddish-tipped prominent moth eggs a day and an adult 15 pine caterpillars, several times its own weight.一只二龄幼虫可日食杨扇舟蛾卵十五粒,一只成虫可日食松毛虫十五条,食量大过体重数倍。

5.The results indicated that the 1st instar larvae of A. lucorum was the sensitive stage.结果表明:绿盲蝽的敏感虫态为1龄若虫;

6.During adult stage, the size of ovarian increased with the growth of adult instar, adult stage, then decreased afterward.成虫期内卵巢的生长是先增大后减小,其他生殖器官一般随日龄的增长而增大,然后保持稳定。

7.From about one week before pupation (the last instar) haemolymph ecdysteroid titres went up forming two separated peaks.预蛹化蛹前一周血淋巴中蜕皮甾类激素滴度存在两个与变态相对应的峰值。

8.Different instar of oriental fruit moth has significant differences in the different photoperiod.梨小食心虫幼虫不同虫龄对光照的敏感性具有显著的差异。

9.During each successive growing stage (instar), the nymph begins to resemble the adult more closely.随著每一个相连的成长阶段(虫龄),若虫的外形与成虫越来越相似。

10.However, avermectin fed by 4th-instar larvae could remarkably reduce the percentage of pupation and adult emergence, and egg production.而集琦虫螨克则对4龄幼虫的化蛹率、蛹羽化率及羽化后成虫的产卵量均有显著的降低作用。