


英文单词:有害物质;有害物质减免(Hazardous Substances Free);有害物质控制


1.有害物质婷CLINICARE尖端护发基因,甄选流体活性成分HSF(Hyperboloid Suturing Fluid),首次借助流体活性成分的分子能量,在微 …


1.Determine the interdependence and interaction of these processes and develop an appropriate HSF process management plan .决定这些流程的相互依赖关系与交互作用,并发展适当之。

2.Top management shall ensure that HSF related responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization.高阶主管应确保已制定HSF相关责任与职权,并在组织内沟通。

3.Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is the master regulator of the heat shock response in eukaryotes, a very highly conserved protective mechanism.热休克因子1(HSF-1)在真核生物中是主要的热休克反应调节物,热休克反应是一个高度保守的保护机制。

4.Personnel performing work affecting HSF product shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience.职务会影响HSF产品之员工,应受过适当的教育训练并具备技术与经验

5.At suitable stages, systematic reviews of the design and development shall be performed in accordance with the HSF plan.在适当阶段,应依所规划的安排事项执行HSF设计与开发之系统性审查。

6.Where appropriate, the organization shall identify the HSF product by suitable means throughout product realization.适当时,组织应藉由适宜之方法,在产品实现之全程,对。

7.Processes that include any restricted substance shall be uniquely identified and segregated to prevent combination with HSF product.包含任何限制性物质的流程应个别辨识,并加以隔离,以避免与。

8.Records of the results of the HSF review and actions arising from the review shall be kept and maintained.评估结果记录及评估后产生之行动记录均应保存与维护。

9.Inputs relating to HSF product requirements shall be determined and records maintained.产品要求相关之输入,应予以决定并将纪录加以维持。

10.Top management shall ensure that customer HSF requirements are determined, are met and included in the measure of customer satisfaction.高阶管阶层应确定客户的HSF要求已决定并已达到,同时纳入客户满意度的量测中。
