


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈英(=veterinary surgeon)兽医

英文单词:沙宣(Vidal Sassoon);复仇之魂(Vengeful Spirit);开发工具(Visual Studio)


abbr.1.〈英〉(=veterinary surgeon)兽医

abbr.1.<BrE>(=veterinary surgeon)

1.沙宣(Vidal Sassoon)灼烧1小时,会有部分固体在高温条件下分解而挥发,即挥发性固体VS)和挥发性悬浮固体(VSS),高温灼烧后的残留物 …

5.维珍航空 Ok 合格 VS Pass 通过 ...

7.维珍航空公司英国维珍航空公司VS) 伦敦(学生)托运1件,35公斤,40×60×100(cm)手提一件,6公斤,23cm×36cm×56cm 以上内 …


1.They said, well, there's two of us vs one of you, if you don't believe in this business enough to stick with it You should just leave.他们说,好吧,现在是二对一,如果你对公司没有足够的信任并坚守,你就最好离开吧。

2.Doctors should be able to determine when a family member is appropriate vs. when a professional interpreter is needed, he said.“医生应该能够确定何时家庭成员可以胜任,而何时需要一位专业翻译,”他说。

3.When I was going through college in three semesters, I learned how much more efficient it is to go full -assed vs. half-assed .我在三个学期完成大学学业,我学到了全力以赴比只凡事只做一半要有效率得多。

4.The essential design goal was to make Amethyst absolutely familiar to VS users and easy to use with a close-to-zero learning curve.Amethyst基本的设计目标就是让VS用户能够轻松上手,将学习曲线降到最低。

5.Section actuals permit you to see what the real cardinalities are vs. estimated cardinalities in an access plan.片段实绩使您能够查看访问计划的真实基数与估计基数的对比。

6.We were beginning to see a clear split in old vs. new user behavior.我们发现新老用户行为之间出现了明显的分裂。

7.Greene talks a little about discrete vs. continuum models of space-time, and about how much computing power is really needed.Greenes谈到一点关于时空模型的离散性对比连续性以及到底需要多大计算能力的问题。

8.What is the point of this party with him as the leader? ? Turned out at the poll we had a choice between GOP or GOP. . .我们的党让他领导算怎么回事??把选举台反过来看看……明明写的是“共和党vs共和党”。

9.How much do you consider SOA as a technical - distributed system - vs. business problem?多大程度上您将SOA看作是一种技术——分布式系统,还是业务问题?

10.It would seem to be relatively easier to make pre-molded sheets vs. an entire fuselage . . . would this be at all practical?这种可能性似乎比较容易使预成型板与整个机身…这是否在一切可行吗?