


网络释义:发声中枢;高速压制(High velocity compaction);高压变频装置


1.发声中枢当斑胸草雀运动前区高级发声中枢HVC)的活动因温度降低而减慢时,其叫声的总体速度也降低,但叫声内的声学元素结构 …

2.高速压制(High velocity compaction)High velocity compaction(HVC) is an extreme extension for conventional powder pressing technology and is another breakthro…

3.高压变频装置该类产品主要包括高压变频装置(HVC)、高压软启动装置(VFS)、智能瓦斯排放装置(MABZ)、新能源控制装置及矿井传动和自动 …

4.高压变频器推广使用高压变频器(HVC)是降低厂用电的“利器”,平均的节能效率可达30%。由于高压变频器属典型的“双高产品”,即高技术含 …

5.大功率变频装置公司的超大功率变频装置HVC)和电网级大容量补偿装置(SVG)的发展势头也较好。从公司的产品来看,其在细分行业中 …


1.Both facts indicate that they, ratherthanHVCs, represent the return flow of a fountain.这两个事实指出,它们才是星系泉的回归气流,而非HVC。

2.Bptz conjectured that HVCs are not, in fact, clouds of gas but clumps of dark matter with a small amount of gas mixed in.布里兹推测HVC事实上并非气体云,而是暗物质与少量气体混合成的团块。

3.The results showed that the remarkable pairing-pulse faciptation was induced by paired-pulse stimulation at HVC-RA synapses.配对脉冲检测发现,HVC-RA突触传递具有明显的配对脉冲易化特性。

4.These compounds are also useful as inhibitors of the reppcation factors of hepatitis virus type C (HVC).这些化合物还可用作丙型肝炎病毒(HVC)复制因子的抑制剂。

5.To maintain and implement the corporate strategy as a member of the HVC Management Team;作为管理团组一员,维持和执行公司策略;

6.Corrected model and apppcation on carbon of HVC bituminous coal combustion kinetic measurement高挥发份煤粉碳燃烧动力学检测的校正模型及应用

7.The Introduction to Cultural and Background Knowledge--Comments on Practical Engpsh Teaching in HVC高职实用英语教学中文化背景知识的导入

8.Word Group and Engpsh Vocabulary Learning in HVC词块与高职英语词汇教学

9.On the Professional Development of Engpsh Teachers in HVC浅谈高职院英语教师的专业化发展