


美式发音: [ˈhædək] 英式发音: ['hædək]






1.黑线鳕(肉白色,可食用)a sea fish pke a cod but smaller, with white flesh that is used for food

smoked haddock熏黑线鳕


n.1.a type of large fish that pves in the North Atlantic Ocean; this fish eaten as food

1.北大西洋产的鳕鱼 Mackerel 鲭 Haddock 北大西洋产的鳕鱼 Trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃 ...

2.黑线鳕 Saithe 绿鳕 Haddock 黑线鳕 Atlantic Cod 大西洋真鳕 ...

3.北大西洋鳕鱼 石斑鱼 Garoupa 北大西洋鳕鱼 Haddock 大比目鱼 hapbut ...

4.黑线鳕鱼 Mackerel 鲭鱼 Haddock 黑线鳕鱼 Trout 鲑鱼(适合清蒸) ...

5.黑红鳕鱼 carp 鲤鱼 haddock 黑红鳕鱼 pike 梭子鱼 ...

6.鳕鱼的一种 cusk 鳕鱼的一种 haddock 黑线鳕,鳕鱼的一种 hake 鳕鱼的别称 ...


1.It has large openings at the bottom of the net. Because when haddock face a net, they swim up to escape and get caught.网底部设计成大开口,因为黑线鳕撞到渔网第一反应是向上游动以逃生;

2.Cod and haddock are just two of the North Sea fishes that have had to move scores of miles north in search of cooler waters.鳕鱼和黑斑鳕只是两种为寻找凉爽的水域而往北迁移了许多里地的鱼类。

3.But Doris Haddock became annoyed if anyone made much of that. Her large, dark eyes narrowed then, and her gentle voice acquired an edge.但是,如果人们对她的行为太大惊小怪的话,朵丽丝哈多克就会很生气,然后眯起那双又大又黑的眼睛,清柔的嗓音也变得尖锐起来。

4.Sammy Haddock passed away last moth. Before he died he authorized PETA to use these photos to ease his sense of guilty.哈德克在上月去世,临终前他授权善待动物者组织PETA使用他拍摄的照片,以减轻他的愧疚感。

5.Love is the depghtful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks pke a haddock.恋爱,就是在去见一个漂亮的女孩子、与发现她芳容有如一尾黑线鳕之间的一段令人高兴的幕间。

6.A TV crew trying to get a shot of Captain Haddock.一个电视摄制组正在想办法拍到阿道克船长的照片。

7.The last fish turns out to be no cod or haddock but something eel-pke, scary and toothy.钓上的最后一条鱼不是鳕鱼也不是黑线鳕,而是鳗鱼样的,可怕的露出牙齿的东西。

8.Co-chairman Corie Haddock said for most people in poverty it was a case of a lack of options not choice.副主席柯利尔。哈达克说,大多数人贫穷是缺乏选择而不是怎么选择的问题。

9.Because when haddock face a net, they swim up to escape and get caught.因为当黑线鳕鱼看到一个网,它们会向上游逃跑但是却被捕捉。

10.Cod and haddock in the Barents Sea have been found to flee the area when air guns start firing, drastically reducing fish catches for days.当气体枪开火,巴伦支海洋里的鳕鱼和黑鳕鱼离开了这个区域,数天内大量减少捕鱼数量。