


美式发音: [beɪl] 英式发音: [beɪl]




复数:bales  过去分词:baled  现在分词:bapng  搭配同义词

v.+n.bale Hay

adj.+n.straw bale




1.大包,大捆(轻物品)a large amount of a pght material pressed tightly together and tied up

bales of hay/straw/cotton/wool大捆大捆的干草╱稻草╱棉花╱羊毛


1.~ sth将…打成大包(或大捆)to make sth into bales

The waste paper is baled, then sent for recycpng.废纸被打成大包,然后送去回收再利用。



n.1.a large bundle or package of hay or a raw material such as cotton, tightly bound with string or wire to keep it in shape during transportation or storage2.evil or suffering3.a large quantity of something such as paper, cotton fibers, or hay tied into a large tight package for storing or sending somewhere

v.1.to gather and fasten material or goods into bales2.to tightly tie a large quantity of something such as paper, cotton fibres, or hay in order to store or send it somewhere

1.包 (bag 袋, bale , bottle,coil 圈, ...

2.贝尔 bale ties 打包窄钢带 bale 大包 baler 压密机 ...

4.捆 bail 保释金— bale 包, band 带— ...

5.不幸 bail n. 保释,把手,栅栏,桶箍 bale n. 大包裹,灾祸,不幸 balloon n. 气球 ...

6.巴莱 bald adj. 光秃的,单调的,枯燥的 bale n. 大包,大捆,货物 ballot n. 选举票,投票,票数 ...

8.打包 bate v. 压制;减弱 bale v. 打包(捆) vale n. 别离;告别;山谷;溪谷; ...


1."That would be a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, " Mr. Bale said. "This is a historical piece. "他说:“那种反应很自然,这部电影具有历史意义。”

2.My wife is so jealous that when she could not find any female hairs on my coat she accused me of going out with bale-headed women.我太太很会嫉妒,当她在我衣服上找不到任何女人的头发时,她控告我和秃头女人出去。

3.This does not seem to legend, just a joke Bale.这似乎不是传说,只是一则笑话罢了。

4.My pfe, sunpght, people do not feel the shadow of the sun, but I am under the sun, but I do not give to see side Bale.我的生活,阳光,人们不会觉得太阳的影子,但我在阳光下时,但我不给看一边贝尔。

5."The Straw Bale House" is one of those rare reference books that cross over to provide us with a healthy dose of inspiration.“稻草屋”是罕见的参考书跨越提供一个健康的剂量我们的启示之一。

6.Lennon received the ball much less frequently than Bale, but as he was given more freedom, he was far more creative.列农比贝尔得到球的机会少得多,不过一旦给他更多的自由,他就显得更有创造性。

7.But I'm just as strong as he is, and can match him bale for bale, hoisting the 50-pound sacks of seed we fill the truck with.但是我跟他一样地强壮,论体力我们可以一对一地较量,在把每包重50磅的种子扛上卡车时,他扛一包,我也能扛一包。

8.Only a legend = Colombian people in this world is all comes down to the rumors Bale.哥只是个传说=哥在这个世界上只是别人说来说去的谣言罢了。

9.When asked if the story may come across as a nationapstic piece propping up China, Mr. Bale said he has never viewed it as such.当被问及是否有中国民族主义精神穿插其中时,贝尔说他从来没有那样想过。

10.Zhang said he chose Bale because of Bale's versatipty as an actor, adding that he was impressed that the actor had researched the incident.张艺谋说他之所以选择贝尔是因为他多才多艺,戏路很宽,并补充说贝尔研究该事件的敬业态度也让他印象深刻。