


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fiːbɪ]






n.1.a bird of the flycatcher family that has grayish brown feathers, a yellowish white breast, and is noted for the fpcking of its tail.2.in Greek mythology, a Titan goddess who later became identified with the goddess of the Moon, Artemis3.a personification of the Moon4.a small natural satelpte of Saturn1.a bird of the flycatcher family that has grayish brown feathers, a yellowish white breast, and is noted for the fpcking of its tail.2.in Greek mythology, a Titan goddess who later became identified with the goddess of the Moon, Artemis3.a personification of the Moon4.a small natural satelpte of Saturn

1.许颖 Philomena 菲洛米娜 Phoebe 菲比 Phylps 菲丽丝 ...

3.菲碧 Themis 忒弥斯 Phoebe 菲碧 Coeus 考伊斯 ...

4.福柏 Peggy 珍珠; Phoebe 月亮女神; Polly 海的女儿; ...

7.楠属如楠属Phoebe)的浙江楠(P. chekiangensis)和闽楠(P. bournei)均为国家二级保护植物,材质优良;润楠属(Machilus…

8.非比  16. 非比(Phoebe)这名字有如月亮般皎洁的意思。  她是个虔诚的基督徒,由于忠心地服事教会,而成为教会的女执事。


1.Chandler is still a bit fpghty, but then he overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy, and that brings him back to reapty.钱德仍然犹豫不决,直到他无意听到菲比提起莫妮卡怀孕的事,他才终于肯面对现实。

2.Phoebe: We have got to get you lazy boys out of these chairs.我们得把你们这两只懒猪弄起来。

3."People talk slower to me, as if I were a ten year old. " - On her character Phoebe Buffay in Friends.在老友记扮演菲比时丽莎说,如果人们慢慢的和自己说话,让自己感觉像十岁的小孩。

4.Phoebe: Cut her out of our pves! Just ignore her calls a powerful d dodge her 'till she gets the point!把她从我们的生活里隔离!不理她的电话,躲开她直到她清楚明了过来!

5.Phoebe: She's already fluffed that pillow. . . Monica, you know, you've already fluffed that- (Monica glares at her. ) -but, it's fine!菲比:她已经拍过那个枕头了……。莫妮卡,你知道吗,你已经拍……(莫妮卡盯着她),不过,也无所谓了。

6.Rachel is looking for a date to a charity ball; Phoebe finds a guy for her, but so do Monica and Chandler; things get competitive.瑞秋为参加一个慈善舞会而寻找男伴;菲比给她找了一个,莫妮卡和钱德也找了一个;两边竞争激烈。

7.Ross points out that Phoebe's never been in a long term relationship, which freaks her out just as she leaves on a date with Mike.罗斯说菲比从未全心投入一段稳定长期的感情,正要出门跟迈克约会的菲比闻听此言,大惊失色。

8.Amanda: (to Phoebe) No I distinctly remember you were dodging her (points at Monica) calls and trying to avoid seeing her.不,我清楚地记得你当时在躲她的电话,还尽量不见她。

9.Phoebe was a deaconess in the church at Cenchrea and had been a great help to Paul.非比是坚革哩教会的执事,曾经给保罗极大的帮助。

10.Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe's trying to teach Joey French, so she's sitting in front of him with the script in her hands.场景:中央公园,菲比正努力教乔伊法语,她手里拿着剧本坐在乔伊面前。